Almost three in four Britons worried about far right after riots

Almost three in four Britons worried about far right after riots

by Wagamaga

  1. Nearly three-quarters of Britons are worried about rightwing extremism after anti-migrant riots, polling has found, with increasing numbers concerned about societal divisions.

    The survey also found that while people generally believed politicians did not react especially well to the wave of disturbances, they generally felt Keir Starmer responded well – while Nigel Farage did not.

    In one part of the polling where people were asked to name worries, public services and the economy were still of the greatest concern, with 84% and 83% respectively saying they were very or fairly concerned about these.

  2. I think they are more worried about the uncontrolled migration and repressive policing 

  3. Back in the post war years the Brits hanged all the nazis. Nowadays we stick em on Question Time.

  4. Thr far right is more destructive than immigrants are. I mean, if we are to deport immigrants (illegals and those that can not integrate should be deported in my opinion), we should also consider deporting far rights… maybe to Russia…

  5. Guys, where’s the source?

    Neither Yahoo! nor The Guardian’s original article actually links to the study or poll that they claim has reported these numbers.

    to be clear: Fuck the far right, fuck farage, & especially fuck you if you voted for him. But I’m not gonna accept a “study” or “poll” that some journo pulled from his arsecheeks just because I like what it says.

  6. Hopefully that means they’ll vote for something else than the far right? Right?

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