Thoughts and prayers or something. I really don’t care. Do U?

Thoughts and prayers or something. I really don’t care. Do U?

Posted by Lumbergo

  1. I absolutely love that every outdoor event will be tarnished with this bullet proof glass.

  2. So throwing sticky stuff on the glass would make a lasting impression for the remainder of his speech.

  3. American tax payer’s dollars protecting the Convicted Felon and Insurrectionist, who tried to have his VP murdered so he could retain power. Might have to let it sink in.

  4. I mean if you were going to be around that many gun loving Republicans wouldn’t you want safety glass, too? He was shot by a Republican after all

  5. His team will soon be projecting videos of massive crowds on the glass so he only sees what he wants to see.

  6. I recommend the book Dying of Whiteness. It tries to explain why many rural white voters often vote against their own interests, for cultural reasons.

    Several people are interviewed after their lives were torn apart by gun violence, accidents, or suicides. They will say things like “If the gun wasn’t there, maybe he would have just gotten drunk and slept it off” or “Parents should be held responsible for leaving a loaded gun around a young child” or “There should have been a stronger background check. Nobody like that should be able to get a gun.”

    But then, when asked if there should be stronger gun laws, they all snap right back to “Oh no! The gun didn’t kill him/them”

  7. Your children in school don’t even have bulletproof glass to hide behind and this guy gets it.

  8. I’m surprised a “Trumpmobile” isn’t in the works. Similar to the pope, but it would be covered with his trump brand with a star spangled banner all over it, and the floorboards would be slanted to hide the lean. 🤷

  9. What happened to the good guy with a gun?

    Surely, arming his audience with guns is the logical solution rather than this fish tank that makes him look weak?

    Oh wait, it was one of the far right cultists who took the shot. Have they not considered just asking which ones are the good guys, or would that be considered a background check and therefore infringing on rights and feelings?

  10. This scene sums up the mismatch of how money overrides everything in America. Money beats the shit out of common sense.

    Trump was shot, now chooses to talk behind reinforced class, to tell people guns are not the problem.

    Get rational, make sense, and stop worshipping the rich!

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