Taliban entlassen Hunderte Männer, weil sie keinen Bart wachsen lassen können

Taliban entlassen Hunderte Männer, weil sie keinen Bart wachsen lassen können


  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    The Taliban has sacked hundreds of men from Afghanistan’s security forces because they are unable to grow beards.

    Thousands of musical instruments had also been destroyed by the militant group in the past year, the notorious ministry for the propagation of virtue and prevention of vice said in its annual update.

    Mohibullah Mokhlis, the director of planning and legislation at the ministry, told a press conference in Kabul that “281 beardless officers were identified, confirmed and dismissed” from the country’s security services in the past 12 months.

    “The hairstyles of 450 military mujahideen were corrected to comply with Sharia law,” he added. “And some who repeated the [hairstyle] violation were sent to military courts.”

    The Taliban has prohibited barbers in several provinces from shaving or trimming beards, claiming that the edict aligns with Sharia law.

    It is mandatory for Muslim men to have a beard that is at least the “length of a fist”, according to Islamic law, which is strictly upheld by the Taliban.

    Trimming one’s beard shorter than fist length or shaving it entirely is considered haram in Afghanistan, where the beard is considered “a distinctive feature” given to men to “set them apart from women” by the “divine wisdom of God”.

    Former Taliban security forces told The Telegraph that they had been dismissed for shaving their faces or not being able to grow a sufficient beard.

    “I cannot grow a beard, and they constantly called and harassed me,” said one officer who was recently sacked. “Around three months ago, the commander told me that I could no longer stay in the unit because of my beard.”

    “I joined them for financial reasons, but throughout my year with them, I faced lots of harassment over my inability to grow a beard. They would say I wasn’t a true Muslim,” he said.

    “About 10 other people were also told that day not to return,” he added. “Some of them were middle-aged men with lots of experience, but they were dismissed simply because they did not have beards, I mean they cannot have one.”

    **Full story:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/21/taliban-sacks-hundreds-of-men-who-cannot-grow-beards/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/08/21/taliban-sacks-hundreds-of-men-who-cannot-grow-beards/)

  2. I was gonna ask what’s the logic with this, but then remembered it’s from their religion, of their very specific interpretation of it, when there’s dozens if not hundreds of other different very specific interpretations of the same religion. It’s not about logic.

  3. Taliban are shitbags. They’ve always been shitbags. They will always be shitbags. Quite literally the worst people in the world.

  4. The men with beards in that picture have bitch beards as well, shall we hang those fools as well please?

  5. I can’t grow a beard because I have psoriasys and it just falls out… I guess I’m lucky I wasn’t born into this religion?

  6. I mean… all these “beardless” men would probably shame women if they were not convering their hair, so they’re only getting a taste of their own medicine. How does it feel to have your appearance be policed?

  7. Wow, burned by the Taliban of all things. I would never join them, but knowing I’ll never be able to gives me mixed feelings. This was not in my 2024 bingo book.

  8. And the stupid strikes again! How much more ridiculous can they get? It’s just pathetic at this point.

  9. Imagine worshipping a god so pretty he tells you what style of beard you should have..

  10. I see a very funny sitcom opportunity here. Like bosom buddy’s but they wear fake beards and are constantly avoiding close calls. 

  11. those people must really love cloning. They want people who look like them, act like them, think like them, same gender as them, they can’t even tolerate a person without beards like them. This is an insane level of narcissism .

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