Anti-vaxxers claim Mpox outbreak is a ‘scandemic’

Anti-vaxxers claim Mpox outbreak is a ‘scandemic’

Conspiracy theorists are branding the recent mpox outbreak a “scamdemic” in a recent social media wave of misinformation.

A public health emergency was declared by the World Health Organisation over the outbreak in several African nations, with at least three cases now reported outside of the continent.

Mpox can spread through skin-to-skin contact, respiratory droplets, and contact with contaminated materials.

Symptoms include a high temperature, headaches and muscle aches.

In Africa, the latest strain, branded clade 1b, has a higher mortality rate which ranges from 4-10% compared to the usual rate of 0-11%.

Bill Gates and Big Pharma companies are being falsely accused of falsifying the outbreak to push vaccines for profit, with some even claiming that Covid vaccines caused mpox symptoms.

Professor Michael Marks from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine told The Independent: “The vaccination is the most likely component of control. It’s known to be a very safe vaccine, very well tolerated.”

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  1. Hmmm, but how many times did you all eventually have to admit the 'anti vaxxers' were correct all along last time? Why should we take you seriously this time, the government nor the mainstream media has any credibility left.

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