Inflation really is due to corporate greed

Inflation really is due to corporate greed

by Parking_Lot_47

  1. Ehhh not really entirely…

    The long generosity was due to globalization where we built our crap in cheap countries. This was the time when we were all told to get MBA’s because we will not build crap anymore. We would just design and be rich rich rich. Yeah well we do design, but we are not rich rich rich.

    The 70’s were due to the oil price explosion, and now we have greed because globalization has said, “hey we want more money and do not want to be totally exploited”.

    Corporate greed is one thing, but globalization and shocks to the system are another.

  2. this graph is off on the back end I didnt notice any inflation from 2014 till like 2020. 2008-2013 is was pretty shitty but nothing like now. one problem with inflation the prices never go back down to what they were.

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