The RF BMP-3 cannot hit the rear of the M113 of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at close range, and then shoots at its own BMP-2.

All this happened in the village of Russkaya Konopelka, Kursk region.

by Unfo_1

  1. I need more context. There is a lot going on here.

    This must be a contested area in Kursk?

    The fire on the BMP 2 is coming from the right.

  2. Poorly trained soldiers trying use equipment they can’t handle on the other side they look like bad guys in any tv show who couldn’t shoot to save themselves

  3. Just after the M113 legs it and the scene changes, is that a round from the BMP ricocheting off the Ruzzian truck coming from top of the screen and hitting the Ruzzian truck to the left? Crazy stuff.

  4. looks like ukraine was pushing along the horizontal road russia comes from upside of the T crossing tries to engage the first apc who simply keeps driving next ukr vehicle comes along the same road so they try to engage that in a panic but a russian apc comes and ends up between them…ukr fires at them so in the confusion russians fire on their own…total chaos

  5. This kind of video really needs little flags overlaid on the vehicles so that we can understand what’s going on

  6. Meanwhile Russia keeps posting their own losses as Ukrainian ones.

    Like the convoy of 4 mystery mobiles shot to pieces by a KA-52. Good for them!

  7. Yeah dude, the Russians are CLEARLY shooting their own. The Russians use the Z, V, and O and have kept with those symbols since they started their “SMO” against Ukraine. It seems that the BMP-3 with the V clearly marked on it is trying to engage the Ukrainian vehicle but is clearly missing their shots. When armor piercing shells hit metal composites/ ceramic armor, you WILL see the sparks, fire and smoke. Things tend to catch on fire quickly on vehicles that suffer direct hits. In my opinion, (which includes my prior experience in the military), it seems that one of many things happened to that Russian BMP-3 that is missing their shots. Either they did not zero and sync their optics on their fire control system or the person behind the gunner turret is a new conscript recruit with no or minimal training and has no idea how to use the firing system and how to aim or properly operate the sights. In the end they do friendly fire on their own. They truly do deserve being called orcs.

  8. Jeeeesus, this is some chaotic situation. Probably didn’t help that the two parties have almost exactly the same markings. I had to watch it like 5 times to figure out what’s going on.

  9. Oh, you gotta report you hit something Ilya, jist shoot something ffs. “I’m on it Ivan”

  10. So, for 3 days already all the sources said the BMP-2 was Ukrainian and now it’s Russian? This is good news. The triangles and V’s should have been a good indication from the beginning.

    One particular pro-Russian sub must be in shambles right now after milking this footage for days.

  11. How high above the barrel is the optic? Thermal plus magnification? Some shots are shooting just over the BMP-2, and next to the retreating MRAP. Maybe the gunner initially didn’t see the BMP-2, only after hitting it and then adjusts fire lower.

  12. Funny enough, the “other” neutral sub has the same exact post. but claims the exact opposite: that the BMP2 is a ukrainian, and that it shoots a ukrainian MRAP.

  13. is it also called friendly fire if evil russians kill evil russians unintended 🙂

  14. You know, i saw this situation but different POV posted recently as claimed RU on UKR kill at point blank range. Looked a bit odd at the time but combat is odd sometimes. Turns out it was just normal RU blue on blue. Second best army in the world btw

  15. You can’t take out the vehicle you want, so shoot up whatever else is available…

    Putin will promote this idiot rather than admitting a Russian friendly fire incident.

  16. I’m hearing very differing perspectives of this, saw a couple posts that says that the BMP-2 that is Ukrainian and that the source is Russian

  17. That bmp3 should habe ended that m113. But it just keeps driving of like nothing is happening. Both UA vehicles were extremly lucky.

  18. Pft, at work and my phone screen is to small. But this looks like a clusterfuck at first glance. Everyone has a different opinion on who is shooting at who in the comments and I think the crews in the video had no idea either hahaha.

  19. The driver of the 2nd BMP is even worse than the gunner of the 1st. Why do you turn away from a target and even drive past it?

  20. Hmm its a little strange.

    So the ukranian vehicle flees (lucky thing since it would have gone bad if it were to get hit in the back) , then a vehicle with the V symbol come and there is a cut, it seems a few seconds pass and now the BMP 3 is farther away and the BMP2 shoots first at it, then it gets blasted in return fire from the BMP 3.
    Could it be that the BMP 2 was stolen by ukrainians or are the orcs so dumb they targetet each other? Can’t tell if the BMP 3 is sitting with its rear, in wich case the BMP 2 probably didn’t know its russian.

    Overall an interesting clip to say the least.

  21. Ok so i have seen both titles now.
    Rus bmp taking out ukr mrap and bmp and ukr bmp doing friendly fire and now this title in a few hours

    Pretty sure it was the same footage but longer

  22. Someone posted clearer pics in the main sub more recently that clearly show the BMP that gets blasted has a V symbol not the triangle.

  23. I saw this earlier in a pro ru sub. And they claimed the bmp2 was ukrainian. But you can actually see the V on the hood which looks distinctly different from the delta sign of the ua vehicles

  24. Not sure exactly what I’m looking at, but my deductive reasoning says the BMP-3 jumped out in a middle of a Ukrainian convoy. Can’t shoot worth a shit at the m113, turned around to shoot at the rest of the column. Unfortunately his Chase BMP-2 gets between him and the next vehicle in the column. He just lights up his own BMP-2 thinking it was part of the column. That’s my take.

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