[OC] Infographic: How we handle annoying coworkers vs. How we wish we did according to a survey of 2,894 employees

[OC] Infographic: How we handle annoying coworkers vs. How we wish we did according to a survey of 2,894 employees

Posted by toso_o

  1. One of my favorite coworkers was murdered by another who has serious anger management issues after trying to report his violent outbursts to HR. Now we have another mentally unstable employee and everyone just tries to avoid them and not confront. Sucks that you have to act this way because any nutjob can just get a gun and cone shoot up the place at a moments notice.

  2. I think we have 2 main problems with corporate environments:

    1) People aren’t given good feedback on a regular basis to correct behavior.  Coworkers just walk around talking behind someone’s back and their managers just give mediocre feedback and documentation, only during reviews.  No regular coaching.

    2) When people just aren’t good employees, instead of firing them we accept the mediocrity or even worse just move them somewhere else so they’re someone else’s problem. And the justification for this is basically “HR makes it too hard to fire someone” (kinda true) and “maybe they aren’t the right fit here, but they will be there….”  Some of this ties back to not doing #1 but some employees are just bad.

    Seen it all too many times.

  3. To the 19% wanting to pray for them, what’s stopping you? As long as you’re not planning on praying OVER them, nobody cares.

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