If Ukrainians did destroy Nord Stream, they may have been justified, Czech president argues

If Ukrainians did destroy Nord Stream, they may have been justified, Czech president argues


Posted by SunderedValley

  1. I’m not saying support for Ukraine should be diminished, but this entire charade of downplaying what is essentially a foreign attack on EU’s infrastructure is disgusting.

    If it was Russia we would have all been up in arms and called it an act of Terrorism, saying that it is another reason to cut ties and to sanction them. But now that it is Ukraine apparently we’re all throwing Germany under the bus and pretend it’s just a legitimate target or that they’ve done us a service.

    Imagine if a Merkel said back in 2014 when the Russians blew up a Czech depot that “if the attack was aimed at cutting off weapons supplies to Ukraine then — and I am deliberately using a conditional verb — that would be a legitimate goal”.

    We would have had a legitimate (pun intended) shitstorm of epic proportions as to how Germany is yet again colluding with foreign influences that are destabilizing the EU.

    I’ll just quote von der Leyen and Borrell:

    > Any deliberate disruption of active European energy infrastructure is unacceptable & will lead to the strongest possible response

    > Any deliberate disruption of European energy infrastructure is utterly unacceptable and will be met with a robust and united response

    Who’s willing to take the bets that this “strong response” will never come into fruition now that Ukraine is shaping up to be the most credible culprit?

  2. Justified, yeah right. Tell that to all the European households that got into financial trouble because of the gas-prices that went up like crazy because of this. And the USA had their ships full of LNG already lined up to provide gas four times the price of Russian gas. Politicians have it quite easy when they speak about these kinds of things, for them prices don’t matter with the salaries they get (not earn).

  3. Even then it’s still a crime and everybody involved should be prosecuted. Including those that gave the order. We can’t go running around and illegally destroy property of other countries than the one you are defending against. Thousands of households in Europe got into trouble because of this action and i believe they deserve compensation paid by those responsible.

  4. I still remember the news when it broke it might be Ukraine instead of Russia

    At that point I stopped caring for either side and I’ll support the winner at the end

    “Russia did terrorism, big bad; we are getting an energy crisis”

    Then it became

    “Ukraine did something every little kid that watches James Bond dreams about. A perfectly planned operation that led to succes”

  5. Regardless of anything else, it bears repeating:

    # There wasn’t any gas flowing through these pipelines!

    Russia was starving us of gas, because they didn’t want us to fill our reserves for the winter (we were so lucky the winter wasn’t too harsh). NS2 was never used, and NS1 underwent various ‘repairs’ after ‘repairs’ after ‘inspections’, all conveniently preventing any gas from reaching us (except from the old pipeline through Ukraine). The difference between gas deliveries before and after the pipeline sabotage was 0. There’s no reason to assume Russia would start delivering what they promised even if the pipelines had stayed intact until we gave them Zelensky’s head.

    I find it interesting by the way that as Ukraine is advancing on Russian soil suddenly this story is repeated every week on Reddit. It’s like, I don’t know, there’s a huge interest in creating strife between allies.

  6. The old we didn’t do it, but if we did it would be a good thing. Nothing like having any ally destroy a your hugely expensive oil pipeline. The German economy was built on cheap Russian gas and oil supporting the industrial sector. Germany was the powerhouse of the EU economy before this war and now chemical and manufacturing plants are closing and the economy is tanking.

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