Has German engineering gone too far?

Has German engineering gone too far?

by Din0skills

  1. It was actually designed for kinky play, but when confronted the designer had to make up an excuse about its use. To the designer’s own surprise, his overengineered sex toy is now teasing poles in public.

  2. Lol dumb non-Germans not getting the function of the Sicherheitspollernormgerechtigkeitsüberprüfungskleinwageneinmannkettenplanierraupe, and we are supposed to be the barbarians, tsts

  3. Aaaah the old pole tickler. Nothing in Germany is allowed to laugh so they use this to test that the poles are as souless as the average german.

  4. According to the comments under the original video this was part of an art installation and doesn’t serve any purpose.

    Looks more autistic than artistic to me tbh.

  5. I thought it was going to remove the sticker… But it didn’t. Left me with a contradictory feeling.

  6. This is obviously a joke. But I like the fact unnecessary and overengeneered machines for stupid littke tasks like this could very well exist in Germany, but nobody has the idea to grab a pressure cleaner once in a while to clean all the shit from the floor of the local train station. Very typical

  7. I thought this was a robot at first, but then it turns out it’s a vehicle with a robot in it.

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