Found someone’s phone on thameslink

Found someone’s phone on thameslink train today at Greenwich. It was left in the chair. Pictures attached. Posting in the hopes that this can get back to the person.

SIM card is missing but otherwise phone is okay.

by RevolutionaryAd5109

  1. Why is no one talking about the fact this person is clearly holding a teddy bear hostage.

  2. Get apple to trace the user at the shop. Leave with them. Give it to tfl. Wait for it to ring, and meet up with the hostage taker.

  3. If they have set up emergency contacts, you could try ringing them and meet up to hand over the phone.

  4. No SIM card so possibly belongs to a kid. The wall paper is of someone have radiotherapy (possibly for a brain tumour) with a protective mask on.
    So could be there parent or sibling or there spare hospital phone for WiFi

  5. Try swiping up and tapping‘Emergency’, then ‘Medical ID’ to see if they have a contact listed there.

  6. For the sake of the well-being of this teddy bear, we must find the owner. Find the owner and rescue the teddy bear.

  7. Tip: put a phone number of a friend/family member as home message. It’s visible without unlocking so when people find your phone they can call the number and arrange an exchange!

  8. Pretty sure several people saw the phone before you did but they took one look at the lockscreen photo and noped the f%ck out of there.

  9. Leave it or point it out to a conductor, if you’re caught with it the police will charge you with theft. The phones can be tracked so if it’s tracked to you, you will be accused.

    Happened to a friend.

    I wouldn’t even touch them anymore, just leave it. If the police are going to be dicks then they can sought it.

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