Biden rät Netanjahu zu dringendem Waffenstillstandsabkommen

Biden rät Netanjahu zu dringendem Waffenstillstandsabkommen

  1. I really hope if Harris wins she will be less cautious as Biden is. He seems so scared of making anybody angry. If we had someone more serious, the war in Ukraine would have been over and Iran could have been knocked out

  2. Biden keeps forgetting that its Hamas that’s refusing a deal. And proving why its good he finally stepped aside

  3. ״Leaders of the world are telling George W bush: ceasefire with Al Qaeda is urgent“
    Never saw these kind of headlines…

  4. Everyone (well, almost) agrees a ceasefire is needed. Nobody agrees on what the terms should be.

  5. If Trump tries to interfere again, they should seriously arrest him before he gets a whole lot more people killed!

  6. I think we all know biden is sitting in his favorite chair eating pudding. No chance he’s speaking to actual world leaders about current events.

  7. Israel should offer a ceasefire but come back with 10% more airstrikes every time Gaza violates the ceasefire

  8. Spineless Democrats trying to appeal to their Pro-Hamas voter base while still sending money to Israel.

  9. Why is Biden rushing so much to show all of his cards.
    The more we want the deal and show how desperate we are, the more Hamas demands.
    That’s negotiation 101.

  10. Urgent for who? I feel like a major ally pressing the urgency of a ceasefire only plays into the hands of Hamas and weekend the negotiating position of Israel.

    People will (rightly) shit on Trump for his alleged phone call with Netanyahu, but the reality is the Democrats are being about equally as self-serving in pushing Israel towards a ceasefire agreement that the US would never agree to in the same position. It’s not about morality, just domestic politics.

  11. It’s urgent because biden wants to claim that his presidency was responsible for getting the deal done before the election. Greed greed greed

  12. My feeling is nothing will change until after the US presidential election. If Trump wins, Netanyahu can essentially bulldoze Gaza and push everybody into the ocean. And he will. Hamas knows this and is desperate to make any deal that doesn’t involve their own deaths, but Netanyahu has very little incentive to do so. It’s not like they can easily produce live hostages.

    If Harris wins, we’ll continue to apply pressure and I suspect a swift resolution thereafter.

  13. Huh, why is it now urgent Joe? Almost like an election is coming up or something.

    But yeah, pressuring Israeli to sign a deal Hamas won’t even acknowledge I’m sure will fix it.

  14. Urgent to prevent a regional war and save Biden’s legacy maybe.

    What a disgrace, a US president that refuses to allow it’s closest ally to win a war it didn’t start.

  15. Tell that to Hamas who refuses everything and does not want it.

    A one-sided ceasefire is called suicide.

  16. Biden has to shut up. There can’t be any peace or cease fire with Hamas. Period.

    Did Americans sign peace treaties with Al-qaeda?

  17. He needs to tell Netanyahu that future Israeli aid and support will be linked to how they treat the palistinian civilian population. Start treating them with respect instead of 2nd class citizens.

  18. It’s exhausting to see everyone pressuring Israel for a ceasefire, but no one pressuring Hamas the same way.

  19. Netanyahu isn’t signing anything until after the election. If Trump wins Netanyahu knows he can basically do whatever he wants.

    Which is why the pro Palestine protestors at the DNC are being counter-productive to their own cause

  20. It’s more urgent that the hostages and bodies of hostages be returned. There cannot be a ceasefire without that. Especially considering there are peace-seeking American citizens held in Gaza.
    Also, ceasefire is meaningless if uncontrolled militants continue to fire rockets, go on stabbing rampages, and resume suicide bombing missions as they always do. Israel will always attack positions where incoming fire originated and those positions now often house civilians.

  21. “And then forgot about the whole thing 5 minutes later when he shit his pants and went to take a nap”

  22. I’m sure if they gave them back their hostages, stopped firing rockets, stopped suicide bombings, and turned in their extremist leaders behind the attack on Israel it would be over tomorrow. What do they think they’re going to get, victory?

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