A closer look at the oil depot near Rostov, where another fuel tanker exploded today. “All the guys who were nearby are fucked, they all burned” says the person filming

A closer look at the oil depot near Rostov, where another fuel tanker exploded today. “All the guys who were nearby are fucked, they all burned” says the person filming

by BigDeckBob

  1. Damn, imagine the ecological impact. That’s gonna pollute the groundwater and nearby earth for decades

  2. Those people described as ‘fucked’ are I guess the ones it was using to put out the fire in the first place?

  3. It would be great if the locals could finally put 2+2 together to see that Putin is responsible for all of this.

  4. Could anyone hear the last message over the radio? It sounds like “Не успели уйти. Печемся”, but I’m not sure about the message after period.

  5. I don’t understand why those tanks were so close to each other. You don’t need to be an expert to figure out that spacing them out would prevent a chain reaction when one gets hit.

    Hopefully, most of them burn well and it is not a huge environmental disaster.. it probably is.

  6. Ukraine needs to send another few drones to help put out the fire faster by destroying more tanks.

  7. I feel a little bad for the firefighters. Sure there are a few of them that don’t agree with Putin‘s war. As a Canadian living under Trudeau, I would hate to be blamed for something he did just because I was born here.

    If they were smart, they would get the fuck out before they end up on the front line somewhere

  8. Not one for praising Russians at the moment but praise the cameraman for that zoom to show us the hight of the fireball.

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