Help, 7000 euro to pay for gas

So I received a letter and I'm very confused. In the letter there are 3 papers. One is for my landlord, the other two for me. I don't know what to do. Please can someone help me. It says I have to pay 7000 euro and I don't understand anything.

Here are the pictures.

by Formal_Vast2290

  1. You don’t have to pay 7000 Euros for gas, that number is the amount of rent you had to pay last year.

  2. First of all: Did you get copies of the gas meter readings and of an itemised Nebenkostenabrechnung. Because this is not how you properly do a Nebenkostenabrechnung.

    The Jobcenter can help people with extremely high gas costs, but only under certain cirumstances. Read here: [](

    However, this is something the individual renters must do. Apparently the landlord tried this for all the renters at once and got rejected (first picture). Now he asks you to do it individually (third picture). However, with this rather bad self-made table I don’t think you’ll get anything done at the job centre.

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