Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss

Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss

Posted by Entropologic

  1. Yeah, the absolute disaster of it was entirely on him and his administration.

    Fuck you, republicans, for making the US military effort in Afghanistan even more worthless than it already was.

  2. Not saying Biden did a good job…but I didn’t understand why he got the big blame when trump daddy negotiated the deal

  3. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that the entire Afghanistan withdrawal was coordinated by trump.

    He met with the Taliban & “negotiated” the release of 5000 Taliban fighters. What did Trump (not America) get in return? 

    Trump planned every detail of the withdrawal down to the date (which was conveniently after inauguration day.)

    Trump had 4 years to withdrawal the troops if he cared. Instead he spent his time golfing & watching himself on TV.

  4. Everything trump ever touched turns into shit – that’s who he is, that’s what he does.

  5. Everyone and everything is just a tool for his own ends; spite, greed, power, lust, whatever. He’s a soulless piece of shit.

  6. Even though the withdrawal was so chaotic and we lost lives I admired Biden for finally ending that 20 year unwinnable war.

  7. Trumps leaving admin were also barred from meeting the incoming administration to share the withdrawal plans until 2-3 days before Biden took office. They walked into a clusterfuck that Trump set us for Biden.

  8. Still the best thing Trump did and Biden got the blame. We had no business being there and should’ve left long before that.

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