Boeing 787 Dreamliners face mandatory inspections after midair plunge injured 50

Boeing 787 Dreamliners face mandatory inspections after midair plunge injured 50

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. Interesting that despite Boeing’s demonstrable lack of competency as of late, their first action is to blame employees:

    “Scott Stocker, head of Boeing’s 787 program, said the missed inspections were due to employee “misconduct” and said that those responsible had received “swift and serious corrective action.”

    This company is literally spinning apart.

  2. [FAA orders inspections of Boeing 787s after midair dive injured more than 50](

    >The FAA said in a statement that the plane dived after a seat in the cockpit jolted forward and disconnected the autopilot system, causing a rapid descent.

    These sort of things should only be happening in a funny cartoon. Not a plane carrying people.

    >Since the incident, the FAA has received four additional reports of similar issues, the latest in June.

    >The agency identified loose rocker switch caps on the backs of cockpit seats as the cause in three of the incidents. The two other cases remain under investigation.

    Imagine losing a loved one because someone at the Boeing factory did not install the seats properly and the pilot’s seat came off mid-flight.

  3. Jesus christ is there ko end for these incidents? How do i avoid boeings 100%? I always check the fleet of airlines before booking, but many operate both boings and airbus and it’s hard to be sure. Or if there’s some plane switch unexpectedly (is that even possible?). But like i dont know if a certain route uses good planes or Boeings ao that’s hard.

  4. >The FAA said the dive was caused by a seat in the cockpit jolting forward and disconnecting from the autopilot system

    airline shouldve paid extra for the dlc that woulde fixed this bug

    boeing, casually reminding airlines that they should buy their patches if they want to continue living.

  5. And NASA has the bright idea of sending astronauts to the space station for just a week with a Boeing shuttle.

    They are now hoping they will be back by 2025

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