Eco-friendly bipolar country

Eco-friendly bipolar country

by miragen125

  1. I could not care less that they don’t want it, just stop trying to penalize those who do.

  2. I don’t know what to tell you guys. We know now it was a dumb idea but at some point you better stick with the decision and worry through it than to change your mind every second year and not get any shit done

  3. IT was a pleasure bailing you out of your power shortage,  France. We’ll be Here for you when your geriatric plants Ssit the bed again ( next summer)

  4. Germany hating nuclear power is just regards having too much money and too little problems

  5. holy fuck why is the germany bad nuclear bullshit in full spring again? Were the bots activated again? Did Papa Putin pay out another roll of AI commenters and posters? Fuck off, cunt

  6. Ah yes the daily Germany Bad, Nuclear Good, Germany dumb for shutting down nuclear post without any context or understanding, just as funny as the joke about French nuclear reactors build at the borders because France doesnt trust itself.

  7. Oh, Yeah… Fast reactors… Super safe and stuff… That’s why a whole 7 are currently activ in the World.

    To be honest the best argument against nuclear is the vast availability of Green Energy Option likes Water, Wind and solar (although solar comes with it’s own Problems).

  8. Those memes are as funny and original as « Haha French surrender 🏳️🏳️» (for Ameritards here posting under irish or italian flair, that means « not funny at all» )

  9. Remember kids, Putin invested hundreds of mils to convince German Chancellor Schroeder that Nuclear energy is bad, so you Germanoids can be still depended on Russia’s banana republic exports (gas and oil)

  10. Well, I totally agree that the level of argumentation is like that, and I also would rather have nuclear energy than any fossile one, but we still haven’t even gone to that level of the discussion on how Uranium is mined, and if that is in any way more environmentally friendly than mining other elements in using the so called renewable energy sources. Oh and whoever cares and bared with me till now, endless sentences with lots and lots of commas, are also a German thing.

  11. Hans: “Ah, you’re wasting a lot of time polishing your car’s drive shaft! Let me go away and engineer an efficient, safe, and mass-marketable solution for you!”

    Also Hans: “Ah, there’s a European energy crisis and a climate crisis? What a silly thing to worry about, just keep doing what you’ve been doing for the last 200 years, I’m sure it’ll all be fine!”

  12. Me when coal ash being 10X more radioactive than nuclear waste

    Ah yes Germany get rid off the lesser evil

  13. Germany fucked up this one. Everybody knows now. Let France take the win and let’s move on

  14. the only reason im “anti-nuclear power” isn’t because of the science, it’s because when the next major war breaks out
    (a matter of time, just take a glance at human history)

    We will weaponize the tech and powerplants will be targeted by opposing forces.

    And that the building contract goes to the lowest bidder which is not worth the rebate on the insane cost of construction.

    The tech is safe, I just do not trust us arse-scratching apes with such immense power, we already found a way to mess up carbon dating, and a third world war or with just any conflict (as in Ukraine) one sees the significance of nuclear powerplants in warfare.

    I just think that when the economy collapses, or water shortages hit, or some other catastrophe happens, we probably wont be able to smart our way out of the incurring shitstorm and when those powerplants go, they go big.

    yet im pro-nuclear power, get it built, we`re polluting the bloody air we`re breathing and nuclear power would go a long way temporarily untill we figure out how to bounce those electrons proper and store energy better, which im guessing won`t be to far off looking at subsidies and such as the oil sector got back at it`s conception.

  15. Like don’t get me wrong I would love some powerplants here but that the proposed “soultion” rly isn’t a thing… only way to deal with the waste is to bury it and hope we don’t forget about it.

  16. ? what, i want sources for big claims like this, i think the discusion is alot more nuanced then this

  17. Yeah i’m not going to complain that we’re getting shit on for our pompous, self-destructive nuclear exit.  

     The worst (or best) part is, apart from a few countries, everyone stopped biulding nuclear power plants in the 90s and is just doing a slower, quieter exit. But we had to be moralist cunts about it and so i think this is fair. 

  18. Germany’s real solution is to burn coal and ignore the “terrible waste” that they emit directly into the atmosphere.

  19. I agree that the way was terrible and the fact we still relie on coal is absurd, but rechanging towards nuclear would be stupidly expensive. So yea shit talk us for the next 5 years. We desrve it, but i am optimistic that we will go huge steps towards renewable energy and then we see, if you really praise expensive af nuclear Power over our dirt cheap renewables.

  20. I love how every anti-nuclear bandwagon jumper thinks (or refuses to believe or accept) that nuclear power plant technology never advanced past the 1970s

  21. Our public broadcasting services photoshopped the steam of nuclear power plant stock images black… Multiple times

  22. Well the title is a bit misleading. Before the current german goverment the conservative goverment was anti nuclear because the coal industry payed them a shit ton of. So basicly the game is rigged from the start, either you were anti nuclear because “muh chernobyl” or because the coal industry payed you off.

    If Im right the right in germany is now pro nuclear but like hyper against renewables, which also isnt good because… well germany doesnt have any nuclear powerplants so they would have to get their power from somewhere while they would be buidling them and I feel like getting them from coal power plants would be counterproductive.

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