Ghost jobs: What the rise in fake job listings says about the current job market

Ghost jobs: What the rise in fake job listings says about the current job market

by cnbc_official

  1. Legitimate companies are increasingly posting fake job listings, often referred to as ghost jobs. Four in 10 companies posted fake job listings in 2024, and three in 10 are currently advertising for a role that is not real, according to a [May survey from Resume Builder](

    “Ghost jobs are actually not scams. They’re from real companies, but they are openings that don’t actually exist,” said Geoffrey Scott, senior content manager and hiring manager at Resume Genius. “That company is not actually hiring for that role at this moment in time. They might be interested in hiring for that role in the future,  or maybe they were hiring for it, but due to budget cuts, those roles were closed or put on hold.”

    Revelio Labs, a U.S.-based workforce intelligence company, found that the rate of hires per job posting has essentially halved over the past five years. In 2019, there were eight hires for every 10 job postings. By 2024, that number had dropped to four hires per 10 job postings.

    “I think this is a pretty worrying development because it just softens the signal of what a job posting really means,” said Lisa Simon, chief economist at Revelio Labs. “And whether there is truly a hiring intention behind that from the employer’s point of view,” Simon added.

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  2. It says the ability to post jobs and get candidates and filter through them have gotten way way way easier with software so companies now farm candidates and make decisions when they are ready because they know they can.

  3. Sometimes they’re just posting it to go through the motions, but yet they already know who they are going to hire. I know of a company that does this all the time. Hiring from with in.

  4. Should be fucking illegal. When I spend hours filling out an application with information from their job posting, all for a job that doesn’t exist, they’ve stolen my time.

  5. It says we need to close down the H1-B program & ban stock buy backs.

    These exist for 2 reasons.

    First they pump stock. We need to stop allowing these sorts of market manipulation tactics and that include stock buy backs. CEO pay incentive structures need to be changed.

    The rest of these are “H1-B Bait”. They’re postings from companies that want to bring in cheap foreign labor to do the job but the law says they have to offer it to an American first, so they put up a fake job posting.

    The H1-B visa program is too corrupt to save. It needs to be eliminated and a new, much, much smaller program created to replace it.

    Oh, and we need a federal jobs guarantee. Basically say to private companies “If you won’t do your jobs and employ American, *we will*”.

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