Trump Humiliated After His Latest Lie About Kamala Harris Gets Dismantled With Brutal Fact-Check Live on Fox News

Trump Humiliated After His Latest Lie About Kamala Harris Gets Dismantled With Brutal Fact-Check Live on Fox News

Trump Humiliated After His Latest Lie About Kamala Harris Gets Dismantled With Brutal Fact-Check Live on Fox News

Posted by inewser

  1. And her response is “You don’t think that’s true?”

    Facts are not about what you think is true, they’re about what IS true. More journalistic vomit from the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd.

  2. They’re slowly moving away from the weird old man…the writing is on the wall.

  3. Wow! A huge break in company policy. I didn’t think Fox was allowed to fact check! 🤪

  4. Even Fox News is getting tired of America’s Biggest Loser and the endless stream of 💩 he yaks up.

  5. They will probably use it as a defence, that they are fact checking, next time they are brought to court.

  6. I read a couple years ago that Idiot boy Hannity even admitted that he doesn’t verify sources. Same as Carlson.

  7. This is what a near billion $ settlement will get you, I guess. About as much spine as Fox can manage.

  8. If they worked for a real news outlet, they would have asked him to prove his claim.

  9. Anyone see the video? Anyone else notice Ainsley reach for her ear NOT her hair. Clearly an earpiece she’s trying to listen to wherein I can only imagine whoever is talking is telling her to get Kilmeade to shut up. Just want to point that out for people who rely on this network for facts.

    Situations like these are actually a smidge of relief to see because it feels like even the media who generally supports the orange weirdo are a bit tired of the consistent lying he does. I’m not saying it’s HUGE, but it’s nice to see.

  10. Let’s stop sugar coating it. Trump does not “spread false information” he is a COMPULSIVE LIAR. He knows he is lying. We know he is lying.

  11. I’ve heard that said a lot…

    Yeah, not shit you people just say whatever crazy shit you can come up with, just hoping something will take hold

  12. After the speeches last night just for fun I tuned in to Fox “news” I guess I was watching Greg Gutfield and his panel of freaks of nature and they were making fun and jokes (with a studio audience) like some late night talk show. This is what qualifies for news on Fox? I could only watch about 5 minutes it was embarrassing, pathetic, and childish. They were laughing at Walz’ very emotional sons reactions, forgetting how they supported Kyle Rittenhouse crying crocodile tears on the witness stand a few months ago. Nothing I see on Fox has one iota of truth or value. It’s kind of pathetic.

  13. There he goes projecting again. Calls Putin a good guy, strong leader and good friend, asks Russia for help with the election, pulled troops out of Syria and Putin moved right into American bases , pulled troops out of Germany and Poland before leaving office weakening NATOs defense against Russia, had secret meetings with Putin where trump would not let anyone in or record them. Treasonous trump also stole national top secrets and more than likely shared them with Putin to show off and get a “favor”. He is a clear and present danger to America and democracy

  14. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red “reset button” to symbolise improved ties, but the gift drew smiles as the word “reset” was mistranslated into the Russian for “overcharge”.


  15. The dumb lady in red just confirming she heard that a lot. Jeebus woman, I know you need to make a living, but have some pride.

  16. Actually it was a very weak fact check. All the foxnews host said was that foxnews has not confirmed trump’s lie.

  17. Three-quarter of a billion dollar judgment will make anyone think twice about supporting known lies.

  18. He sounds like that old relative that just whines and makes up bullshit to stay mad about

  19. Didn’t Trump admit he knew Russia was going to invade Ukraine after one of his meetings with Putin and decided to sit on the info?

  20. Since Trump is all projection, can we safely assume Trump met with Putin 3 days before the invasion, laid out a case, and 3 days later Putin invaded? Enquiring minds want to know…

  21. I’m confused. Didn’t *HE* say, like two weeks ago, that *HE* talked with Putin before the invasion?

  22. Fox News exec “That sounds like an expensive lie. Weak ass fact check statement please…”

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