Bill Clinton in DNC speech: “I’m still younger than Donald Trump”

Bill Clinton in DNC speech: “I’m still younger than Donald Trump”

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. Yeah, it makes you think about how long ago the 90s were, (which is a bummer) but also highlights how kind of dumb it is to want to put somebody that was middle aged in way back then in charge of the country now.

  2. Perfect example. Clinton is indeed younger, but he has lost a tone of vitality. He appeared to have issues with balance and shaking hands. Trump remains strong and vital and doesnā€™t have those kinds of issues. We all know people like this, who are stronger and more vital than others their age, and Trump is one of them.

  3. So many things are younger than Trump. For instance, the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs is a few years younger that Trump (I fail to understand how the Trump genes survived that one…..).

  4. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – BBC Online (A-): ['I wish my mother and Kamala's mother could see us' – Clinton](
    – N-tv (C): [“A pretty clear choice”: Bill Clinton lashes out against Trump](
    – (C+): [For Hillary Clintonā€™s supporters, her DNC speech is a reminder of a second chance at making history](
    – ABC News (B+): [Hillary Clinton to speak at DNC as Harris looks to make history as 1st female president](

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  5. Hate Trump. Haaate.

    But the Dems need to retire the Clintons. Put ththem m out to pasture.

    Heā€™s a morally bankrupt scumbag. You canā€™t attack Trump for his depravities but then cheer for bill Clinton. He has the same Epstein ties.

    Sheā€™s a polarizing and as unlikeable as any living politician. The hate she elicits from so many far outweighs the love she gets. Sheā€™s not worth it.

    Put these two in ice and move on. They donā€™t need a seat at the table anymore. Yesterdays news.

    Edit: lol people downvoting. Trump bad hung with Epstein, slept w porno star . But woo hoo Bill Clinton-hung with Epstein and slept with intern as president. Have some moral consistencyā€¦

  6. Itā€™s just funny how the approach is to clown him, and watch him explode because his fragile ego canā€™t handle it. They know they are on to something with this technique.

  7. I caught some of his speech and he certainly has lost a step from his former self.

    But I mean he was a great orator in his prime.

    This does underscore how old Trump is and time for a new generation, namely Harris.

  8. >Clinton noted that he recently turned 78, but “I’m still younger than Donald Trump.”

    Starting the countdown for a response from Trump. Should be entertaining. Maybe he will mention his crowd sizes compared to Clinton’s.

  9. Don-Old Trump! Don-Old Dump! Old Dump! Old Dump! Old Dump! Old Dump! Old Dump! Old Dump!

  10. And no offense, but I think we can all agree that Clinton seemed too old to be president, even if he’s still very sharp…

  11. Who gives a shit? Both he and Trump should be in prison. Why tf does the DNC pander to this p.o.s.? It really makes them look bad to independents.Ā 

  12. And he left office 23 years ago!

    Edit: ā€œbut age doesnā€™t matter!ā€ – Republicans now that Biden isnā€™t running.

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