Project 2025 Affirmation: We’re not in a cult and we’re not weird (REPEAT)

Project 2025 Affirmation:

We’re not in a cult and we’re not weird (REPEAT)

Posted by NotBeingMeme

  1. yea…. he already knew that. Theres no way people like him don’t know the reich wing is all lies and bullshit. They know exactly how to act and perform to stay popular. Its not by accident.

  2. I still want to know what the fucking point of these stunts were.

    Like, did Walsh and Lindell think they’d catch a bunch of dastardly librulz talking shit about straight white cis men?

    Calling for a culling of Christians?

    Going on violent tirades against native-born citizens?

    Seriously. What was their fucking endgame?

  3. His face looks like this is all he can think about:


  4. An ill fitting hat on top of a wig and dahmer glasses. Dude is as inconspicous as a sledgehammer

  5. My man didn’t even wear a wig cap … what’s the point of working for a media conglomerate that makes fucking movies, and they still can’t commit to the most basic shit.

  6. This meme suggests that any of these people are capable of personal reflection and insight.

    Humor requires some tiny kernel of truth.

  7. Is there a progressive version of this type of media? And did they dress up in full MAGA gear for the RNC? I feel like there has to be someone out there that is this weird lol

  8. I’ve heard Mike Lindell went also undercover to witness Democrats conducting 9th month abortions, eating the remains, and chanting to the devil on stage… but all he saw is one if his pillows being used as a fart cushion by Walsh.

  9. He really wanted to spend all week interviewing transfolk in clown suits and lesbians with buttons that say “kill all men”.

    He didn’t find them. He found a bunch of folks offering to buy him a beer and give him directions.

  10. I’d 100% start saying insane shit to them and act as if I didn’t know who they were. Really liberal stuff that would make conservatives go crazy. Like we shouldn’t lower the age of consent to 12, and a mental health crisis shouldn’t need police to kill them. That you shouldn’t go bankrupt because you got sick, really fucked up shit you know?

  11. Look at his eyes

    They’re the window to the soul

    He looks out and realizes just how fucked his side is

    He can feel it in his bones. The energy is just different. The momentum. The vibe.

    He knows. Thats the look of someone who knows their time is almost up. And Trump losing is just the beginning

    After that all these people, these grifters, their lives are going to get much harder. Theyre going to be at war with other over whose fault it was and which direction they go in

  12. Was there anyone in disguise @ the RNC? All this stuff is just weird on their part.

  13. When the weird guy does a weird thing to try to understand why he’s weird…

    I hope you’ll get it sorted out someday.

  14. I’m sure he was there to report on the live onstage abortions we were promised.

  15. At this point, there are more republicans at the DNC than supporters at a JD Vance rally.

  16. I doubt he had any introspection. His type are insanely stubborn to break through to.

  17. He already knew that. But the weird ones are the people that give him money, not the sane, sound-minded people.

  18. The look on his face is a combination of “white guy’s first time on a big city subway” and “I immediately regret this decision.”

  19. That feeling when you realize you’re the one security is paying extra special attention to…

  20. Why not… hear me out… just go as himself. He just looks like a fucking try hard butt nugget.

  21. He just couldn’t resist the red hat. Everyone does a double take of anyone in a red hat these days. Especially at a Democrat event.

  22. He just wanted to see what all the hype was all about. I bet he had a wonderful time and was full of hate joy.

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