Do I really have to let GigaNetz into my apartment despite already having internet I am happy with?


We have internet we are happy with (120 down and could be faster if we paid more). Fiber optic is coming to the area and many people are excited which I understand, however I don't think I would right now benefit from the additional speed or want the fuss of changing.

Recently GigaNetz or someone on their behalf has put a sign in our apartment building entranceway which gives a date and time and seems to me to try and say we have to be in our apartment at that time. A picture is attached.

Even when the water meter things are replaced we get a range of times or can make an appointment. It would be very inconvenient to get away from work on the time we have been told, especially for internet we don't want. Is this something that someone actually has to be there for or is it only if one wants their internet?

by lumo1a

  1. It says you need to give them access, wether you want to be their client or not – this is done to all flats in the house.

    Now, the only person to contact now is your landlord, if this is indeed approved and ordered by him – if not, then of course you should not let random external people into your place.

  2. There is a contact there you can call and ask. It might be they are setting up the infrastructure. Also check with your Hausverwaltung.

  3. My two cents: having fiber to your apartment really increases the value of your apartment. Even spending 1000€ on that connection is usually a good deal, if you have that money available. You don’t have to do anything, but you might consider it

  4. Seems to me, like they are the company that puts up the Glasfaser-Net.

    Correct me, if I’m wrong.

    So someplace in the building has to be the “Übergabestation”, that has to be installed. At a location, which is accessible for all tenants/owners. That would be the cellar. From their a cable has to go up to your rooms. That would be the reason why they want to enter your rooms.

    But that does NPT mean, you have to let them in. You can decide on your own how you get your internet. You want no cable? That’S it.

    They do not have a “Sonderzugangsrecht”.

    I really can’t see, what they want in your rooms, or what they want there, other than the above.

  5. IMO it doesn’t hurt to have extra fiber socket in your apartment. This does NOT mean you are their customer. It’s the same as you have both telekom and Vodafone sockets but use only one.

    If you were about to rent out your apartment in the future, fiber could be a plus.

  6. I work for the austrian telekom. take my advice: Let them in, and let them install the fiber. the whole fiber expansion projects – in all of europe – are the biggest shitshow I’ve witnessed in my 20 years in this field. If you have the opportunity to get fiber ANYWHERE, take it. It won’t get cheaper, and it won’t get easier, and it also will not go away. As much as I hate it – I am a copper cable purist, at least you can fix that shit with basically a paperclip – fiber is the future.

  7. This appointment, as said is a technische Hausbegehung. This means, they only do this for planing purposes. You see this also in the clause
    “Dabei handelt es sich um eine technische Hausbegehung, die Begehungspläne werden im Nachgang ihrer Hausverwaltung zur Verfügung gestellt.”
    This is a technical inspection of the property, and the inspection plans will be made available to your property management afterwards.

    So they will go through the house to determine where the holes need to be drilled and the fibers will be laid. Throughout the house. It could be, that you need to comply, because
    It may be that you must comply, as the pipes may be communal property, similar to the staircase or the windows, which in the case of renovations are also handled by the owners’ meeting. If the majority of the owners’ meeting voted in favor of the contract, this could become a problem. I am neither a property owner nor a lawyer, so this is just a layperson.

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