Mit Treibstoff beladene Fähre im russischen Hafen von Kaukasus von ukrainischer Rakete getroffen

Mit Treibstoff beladene Fähre im russischen Hafen von Kaukasus von ukrainischer Rakete getroffen

  1. It’s the last ferry that can bring supplies from mainland Russia to Crimea so all they have now is the Kerch Straight bridge and then that’ll be the next target. Can’t wait to see Putin’s face when his precious bridge gets fucked up.

  2. As a green dude who’s super into environmentalism, decarbonization, veganism and such, it’s such a weird feeling cheering when huge amounts of fossil fuels just get burned… fuck. Like, good for Ukraine, good job. But fucking shit what a fucking waste. I blame RuZZia 100% for this, so they really should answer for the environmental terrorism and destruction. Including bombing Ukrainian nature, destroying buildings that took tons of energy to build, destroying a dam, and so on. Fuck. Bullshit.

  3. That was the ferry they used to supply Crimea. So are they gonna rely on truck over the bridge more? And if so, are they gonna smuggle a bomb onto one of those trucks and have it donate over the bridge? I think they already tried that plan for a proof of concept before. Would love to see it again but with a bigger payload.

  4. Close-up of the situation:


    About 40 train cars each carrying full size oil tank on a 109 meter long ro-ro ferry. Almost all the tanks burning like hell, after hit with Ukraine made Neptune cruise missiles. Latest info suggest that ship has now sunked.

  5. They sank that legitimate military target.

    Ukraine is having success destroying supply lines. Bridges, airstrips, fuel depots, planes and now ferries. They are eyeing finishing off the Crimean Bridge as we speak to be sure.

    One way to keep momentum going is to constantly have greater goals.

  6. Russian state media reports the Ukrainian drones were successfully intercepted by the ferry.

  7. Serious question – why can’t Ukraine bomb actual oil tankers Russia needs to sell on the open market. I mean it would be environmentally disastrous, but it would cover the Russian coast. Could they disable the ships…

  8. Man, Ukraine is going for it at the moment. Right on!

    Let’s give them everything and all permissions, shall we?

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