Trump Calls For Gun Confiscation In Fox News Rant: Cops Should ‘Stop And Frisk And Take Their Gun Away’

Trump Calls For Gun Confiscation In Fox News Rant: Cops Should ‘Stop And Frisk And Take Their Gun Away’

Trump Calls For Gun Confiscation In Fox News Rant: Cops Should ‘Stop And Frisk And Take Their Gun Away’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. The thing his cult doesn’t realize is, if he gets his dictatorship, the 2A goes out the door. He will go after everyone with a registered weapon. His campaign has already been collecting that data. He can’t allow ANYTHING, that can be a threat to his power, to remain. No dictatorship allows its populace to have weapons legally.

  2. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Former President Donald Trump called for gun confiscation in cities during a rant on Fox News demanding cops “stop and frisk, and take their gun away.”

    Trump called in for a lengthy and rambling interview on Thursday morning’s edition of Fox & Friends, during which he went off on a 5-minute off-topic tangent, made false attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, and talked about Chicago, host city for the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

    In a lengthy rant about crime in the city, Trump endorsed the confiscation of firearms from residents and a strict “stop and frisk” policy:

    JONES: What would you do different, Mr. President? What would you do differently though? You see what the Biden administration — are you sending in the National Guard? Are you mobilizing the business? Are you going to change the education system?

    Day one if there’s a Donald Trump presidency, what would you do in Chicago?

    TRUMP: First of all, you — I know the people in Chicago. I know the police, because I built the building there. I spent a lot of time — the building, it was a — it’s a great building, a really great building.

    And what happened is I got to know a lot of people, including the police. You have a great police force in Chicago, just like you do in New York, just like you do in Los Angeles, you have great — they’re not allowed to do their jobs.

    You’ve got to let the police do their jobs, number one. Number two, you have to do a policy of stop and frisk. When you see a guy coming down the street and you can — the police know every one of them. They know their middle name. They know where they live. They know every one of them, the local police, and they’re great.

    You got to let them do their job, stop and frisk, and take their gun away. You’ve got to do it. If somebody has because they have all these guns — you know, it’s very interesting, the toughest gun law, the toughest, by far, in the whole United States is in Chicago, and yet it’s the most — it’s —

    JONES: Most violent, yeah.

    TRUMP: Fourth of July weekend, 117 people were shot and 17 died. Think of that. That’s worse than Afghanistan. Afghanistan doesn’t have that. No place has that. That’s a war zone.

    This last weekend, during the — just prior to the start of the convention, with all the police everything else, do you know that so far, five people have been killed? You don’t read about it because the press doesn’t want to report about it. Five people have been killed in Chicago during the Democrat convention.

    KILMEADE: Right.

    TRUMP: It’s terrible.

    Chicago is currently under a federal consent decree “based on the findings of the Justice Department’s investigation and the Task Force’s report that revealed a pattern of civil rights violations.”


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  3. He shifts like the wind. Flailing like a fish out of water.
    He’s panicking and out of scams😂
    Someone needs to tell him, it’s over Donald. It’s time to face the music for a lifetime of cons and scams. You are out of moves. It’s the end

  4. So is he anti 2nd Amendment or does his entire cult know he means only guns from people of color?

  5. Trumpers have been saying that them democrats are coming for there guns, but want trump to be a dictator. They are not smart enough to see what’s wrong with that.

  6. The same asshat who told the secret service to “take down the fucking mags” on 1/6. Only his supporters have rights….

  7. Please have journalists go to Trump rallies and ask MAGAts their opinions on trumps plan to have police frisk people and take away their guns.

  8. Trumpf is the only one to talk about confiscating guns. He’s what they mean when they say “they’re coming for your guns”.

  9. So the democrats (especially Tim Walz) can essentially say they are the party of freedom now. They could honestly start calling themselves “patriots”

    Time to take the word and the flag back.

  10. Only time NRA in favor of gun control was when block people were arming themselves in Cali. Then republicans couldn’t block guns fast enough

  11. If you thought masks and other preventative measures to protect the public health were too much, then I have no idea how you can support stop and frisk, even if it leads to a decline in crime. Both are a certain restriction of freedom to achieve a greater public health result..

  12. This is the second time he’s gone even harder on gun control than Democrats do. Last time he said that guns should be allowed to be seized without a court order, this time he’s saying police should be able to do it to random people on the street. It will be hilarious watching him backpedal. He truly is one of the dumbest people alive. He does not understand the policies of his party in any way shape or form.

  13. Freeeedumbbbbbb! But what about my Gawd-given right to carry an assault rifle to large gatherings? The red hats are not going to like this.

  14. “Crooked Joe is gonna take muh guns”. Oh look who’s actually suggesting taking guns away. Idiots

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