Starlink wird jetzt auf Kriegsschiffen der US-Marine eingesetzt

Starlink wird jetzt auf Kriegsschiffen der US-Marine eingesetzt

  1. This poor seamen. Oh god can you imagine if we go to war with China and then Elon is like “I AM A SYS ADMIN TOO!” starts pushing updates nobody asked for out to carriers.

  2. “Sailor Edge Afloat …”

    Oh, I bet the Navy does know what the kiddos mean by edging these days… or do they?

  3. Forget sonar, this real naval advancement allows sailors to get meme updates in the middle of the Pacific.

  4. This is actually a great thing, but people are upset because Musk owns it.

    Well, what other options are available?

  5. What a great idea! Let’s give a private citizen complete power of communications access for our military, the same private citizen who has shown support for a traitor to the US.

  6. It is more complex than that. The US military bought all their own satellites so they can have their own parallel Starlink like service. To get things going in the short term they are buying capacity from the existing Starlink system. Or something like that. There are lots of details, but it is absolutely not a simple USN buying starlink deal.

  7. I’m sure this is so sailors can have internet access and not for any kind of operational ability, at least not until starshield or whatever it’s called is up and running.

  8. It’s almost as if reddit knows the intricacies of the system better than the DoD

  9. People can cry all they want. Elon is an innovator and pushes society regardless of your feelings.

  10. While I’m certainly no fan of Elon’s, this headline is terribly misleading (no surprise there).

    No, DoD has most certainly not allowed the commercial version of Starlink to be installed on US Navy vessels. Much like DoD doesn’t use the same version of Microsoft Office, etc., that the general public uses.

    If you think that Elon now has the authority to sabotage US Navy communications, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

  11. I find it funny how Reddit thinks this will give Musk some kind of insane overreach, or compromise the militaries cybersecurity; ignoring that for the last twenty years every western military has been and still uses Windows XP

  12. Never seen so many confidently wrong answers on one single post. Starshield will be owned and operated by the U.S., not SpaceX. Star Link is not used for secure communications, it is so sailors can look at cat videos. It is not a secure military communication channel and is not used as such.

  13. Private Internet is a big deal
    Besides the Internet was originally for military use firstly
    So I would imagine this will be better global net use at sea

  14. i wish germany would develop such a system

    Its one of the view actual “dual use” military technologies that come to mind……satelite internet? Yes pls

  15. I know a guy who is navigator on a massive transport ship. They have had it and it works really well. Pretty sure his internet is better than my terrestrial bullshit from Optimum that has 0 competitors.

  16. I hope anything important is very encrypted, wouldn’t want Elon to have access to any of it.

  17. Super… This practically makes musk some sort of super-douchy Tony Stark. One man with his hands all in the MIC pudding… What could go wrong

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