Even Pence can’t stand JD

Backstory: JD Vance tried having a photo opp at a donut shop and the 2 workers there did not want to talk to him. They even asked not to be filmed. It was painful to watch.

Posted by ObscureCocoa

  1. Is that really Pence’s account? I just assumed Mother always has his balls in her purse.

  2. ohhhh…. double goddayum!! never, EVER imagined Pence comin’ off the top ropes 😂


  3. And at least, in the end, you don’t comply in over throwing democracy.

    Keep up e good fight

  4. First the cheesesteak thing and not this? I think JD is a robot, how can he be this bad?

  5. Does Pence even use Twitter? It’s populated by people who tried to hang him like 3.5 years ago

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