Cast your vote (day 5): who is the funniest ever member of our club

The Brazilian maverick Jo wins the worst ever city player (NB the comment was actually Jo and Tal Ben Haim, but more individual votes cast for Jo). Today – who is the funniest ever city player/staff member? Most upvoted comment wins

by hammerfistb__

  1. Balotelli is the only choice. The why always me shirt, the backheeled shot attempt in the preseason, and blowing up his own toilet with fireworks. Nothing can top him.

  2. Super Mario, and it isn’t even close.

    The time he was in a Manchester restaurant, saw the prostitute who had been in the papers with Wayne Rooney and stood up chanting ROONEY, ROONEY at the top of his voice.

    The time he set off fireworks inside his own house.

    The time he set off a party popper in Joleon Lescotts face.

    Hell, even before he came to us, he played for Inter Milan, and then promptly enraged their fan base by going on TV and wearing an AC Milan shirt. I could go on forever.

    For all the glory the ultra professional Pep era has given us, as a lifelong City fan I mourn the days of our comedy eccentric players.

    Edit: ahahah how could I forget, the time he got fined 100 grand for throwing darts out the window at academy players, and when asked why he would do such a thing, offered up the simple reason of “because I was bored.” Fuck me. I am not even joking I would take him back today just for the stories alone.

  3. Bernardo for me. Grealish def makes anything more amusing but Bernardo got that unintentional comic factor.

  4. It’s Grealo, Balo was a nutter but Jack’s just a funny lad.

    Big Meeks is up there as well.

  5. UMMM SCOTT EFFIN CARSON ANYONE!?!?!? Watch any city bts youtube video and that man is taking the absolute PISS out of every situation.

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