Russia opens criminal investigation into CNN correspondent for reporting in Ukrainian-occupied Russia | CNN

Russia opens criminal investigation into CNN correspondent for reporting in Ukrainian-occupied Russia | CNN

by Elkenson_Sevven

  1. Cool. Go arrest him then. Oh, wait, you can’t get down there? That’s too bad.


  2. Imagine your country being invaded, your government is failing, fires are raging out of control, and this, *this* is what you are focusing attention on? An absolutely broken country.

  3. Seems like Pootstain’s russia and his regime are the beacon for the Christo Fascists in the US. This is what will come to the US if Project 2025 happens. Attacking journalists for reporting the truth, just like the Saudis hacking Kashoggi to bits for doing precisely that. This is a dark vs. light moment in human history and Ukraine is leading the fight!
    Edit: word order.

  4. Jim Jordan and James Comer trick. [Two.GOP](http://Two.GOP) congressmen who head committees that regularly investigate any Trump opponent. It’s really a sad statement at how helpless they are – GOP and Russia

  5. “It is not clear to which list the FSB referred.”


    That’s some serious shade for CNN!

  6. nice. the most credible american mass media company is now mocking putin for his stupidity in the most unbiased way possible.

  7. Great. Now there’s no excuse for not arresting the western dickhead “journalists” who “report” from occupied Ukraine. Make it retroactive so that anyone who’s been spewing Kremlin lies faces consequences.

  8. Seriously they should get him out of there. If Russia wants Ukrainian journalists to report that story that’s on them.

  9. Russians are such snowflakes. Why shouldn’t a war correspondent go where the war is?

  10. This is why when clowns like Tucker Carlson interview Putin and say what is the “harm of just listening” well it spits in the actual journalists who go to jail or die trying to present facts and truth instead of walking on eggshells for a dictator.

  11. These clowns like to portray themselves as proper country with laws and rules. A gangster run giant gas station …. burning lately!

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