Outrage as Bulgarian pro-Kremlin party targets teachers opposed to homophobic law

Outrage as Bulgarian pro-Kremlin party targets teachers opposed to homophobic law

Outrage as Bulgarian pro-Kremlin party targets teachers opposed to homophobic law

by confusedintomen

  1. “Outrage has ensued after the Varna branch of Bulgarian pro-Kremlin minority party Vuzrazhdane published a list of educators who signed a petition against recent amendments to education law banning “LGBT propaganda” in schools.


    As approved at two readings on August 7, the amendments to the Pre-school and School Education Act forbid “propaganda, popularization or instigation in any way whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly, in the educational system of any ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identification otherwise than according to the biological sex”.


    “A pro-Putin nationalist formation has released a list of names of teachers in Varna who have publicly expressed disagreement with the law and is calling on the public, school principals and the city’s mayor to repress them,” Da Bulgaria said.”

    Source: linked article

    Reportedly over 800 educators across the country have signed the petition. The list contained the names of 26 educators, their place of work and occupation in the Varna region with a public appeal to seek accountability for their views and actions.

    Source: various Bulgarian media

  2. Not only is this law disgusting and incredibly homophobia and transphobic but publishing a list of the names, knowing the type of people who will react to this, should be criminal

  3. That’s how mainstream conservatives work. Don’t do the dirty work yourself, just enable the extremists to do it for you. The same happens with the “Christian” Democrats and the Afd in Germany.

  4. Man do I feel embarrassed being a Bulgarian sometimes.. I love my country, but the backwards mentality of so many people back home is beyond repair.

  5. Why do news articles on this sub keep spinning the “Pro-Kremlin” anything they don’t like or want censured? This law was overwhelmingly passed by a large majority including the Bulgarian pro-EU parties, so why focus selectively on “Pro Kremlin” angle? Seems like disingenuous spin to whip up hate for no reason.

  6. I’ll bet my entire fortune, that a man who pushed and voted for this bill, is sucking cock right now.

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