Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Second Russian bridge destroyed | Live Discussion | WION

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Second Russian bridge destroyed | Live Discussion | WION

Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk region has entered its 13 day and in the latest Ukraine has destroyed another strategic bridge on the Seym river. What are Ukraine’s bigger ambitions in its ongoing counteroffensive against Russia?
#russiaukrainewar #kursk #worldnews

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  1. A brief assessment re. Ukraine's recent advance into Russia.

    If one uses the principle of 'Occam's Razor', (to whit, [and to 'lightly paraphrase'], "Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however IMPROBABLE, must be the truth .."), this may distil to the following rather sobering conclusion, (which might even, just possibly, ['though I do doubt it ..], remove the unattractive 'smirks' from the countenances of the 'WION' presenters.)

    (1) The Ukrainian army was being attrited to defeat.

    (2) It (was,/is) being supplied with just enough support to keep the Russians at bay, (or perhaps, not even that.)

    (3) As assessed by many, it cannot afford to fight in the way that it is on another front .. yet it is.

    One really has to ask; .. WHY ?

    (4) The Ukraine gave up the nuclear arms it held, (and with which it would have been able to defend itself), for Western 'concrete' assurances that we would make it unnecessary, ever, for them to retain those arms, (as the protection that we would offer would forever negate their need for them.)

    (5) The West 'welched' on those assurances; The Ukraine might now only alter the outcome of this war by use ~of~ nuclear weapons, (which, as stated, they no longer have.)

    However, Russia, their enemy, does. How, therefore, might ~those~ be used to force a complete victory .. for the Ukraine ?

    How, indeed, might one's ENEMY'S nuclear arms be used to 'persuade' one's allies not to renege on their 'assurances' ?

    (6) One of Russia's long-term stated conditions for THEIR definite use of THEIR nuclear weapons is .. 'To defend against an existential threat to their own country, should one occur.'

    At this moment, the Ukraine has decent western weapons, (ammunition, sophisticated cruise and ballistic missiles, Bradleys, U.S, U.K., & German MBT's and now fighter jets), with which it has equipped it's most experienced and motivated army groups; therefore for a very short 'window', (before, possibly, Trump is elected U.S. president, cuts U.S assistance and attempts to 'discourage' that from others ..), supplies of these will continue.

    THEREFORE, it could be argued that ..

    Before the possible election of an 'unhelpful' U.S. president ..

    And before the Slavic Winter closes the area of the world in which this conflict is being fought ..

    (7) The Ukraine really ~ is ~ attempting to actually 'take' parts of Russia of significance TO Russia; say, Moscow .. (as seemed to be the .. possibly welcomed ?? .. intention of 'PUTIN's CHEF' in 2023 before he changed his mind ..), and / or St.Petersburg, certainly two Russian cities who's over-privileged residents' panicked 'cavils' just ~ might ~ carry weight ..

    It's not a bluff; The Ukraine IS attempting to do this .. in consideration of circumstances both extant and impending, they MUST; .. they have no choice, as if they are not victorious with extreme dispatch, (with Trump's possible election 'bearing down' ..), THE UKRAINE, as a country, may, in short, simply cease to exist.

    Hence, in answer to the oft posed question .. "so where will they halt their advance ?", this would be my suggestion .. they won't.

    BECAUSE .. (and these, you will understand, are just my 'militarily – uneducated' musings, so please tolerate my 'civilian naivety' ..)

    They have, discretely, quietly but unequivocally 'advised' us, their allies, that this is their absolute intention, that no pressure from their allies will deter them, and have posited that at some juncture, as their forces advance, Russia may HAVE TO attack the Ukraine, in retaliation, with nuclear weapons. And sufficient radioactive fallout, (and possibly even the occasional 'stray' nuclear-armed missile, 'wandering' off course due to 'interference' to it's targeting systems by 'persons unknown' ..), will drift to those neighbouring Slavic countries, (perchance .. an extremely well-armed & increasingly influential POLAND, already a 'recipient' of a 'renegade' rocket earlier in this war ..), who ARE members of NATO, making it necessary for THEM to invoke 'Article-5.'

    So, full nuclear war. UNLESS ..

    The West get's it's collective act together, (perhaps even, let's say .. enforcing a total 'no-fly zone' to anything, anywhere, even LOOKING 'aggressively' in the general direction of The Ukraine, 'chucking' every western weapon held by every ally into the melee and, [possibly], also even 'putting the boots of allied forces onto Ukrainian ground' ..), to force a complete WIN, in extremely short order, for the Ukraine, (i.e., return of the Crimea, the Donbas, et al.)

    A win IN the Ukraine with Conventional weapons.

    Before the Ukraine's advances loosen Putin's 'few remaining screws' and his detachment from reality becomes final .. for all of us.

    They are thus, (to use a possibly appropriate gambling term) 'Throwing all into one final 'pot', staked on, (in my opinion), a logically justified 'bet' on this final 'hand.'

    The Ukraine will now, per necessitas, be crammed, by it's allies, with all possible state of the art western military equipment .. and with the requisite multinational trained troops to use it, (to much the same extent that southern England was crammed with fully equipped military personnel immediately prior to the successful 'D-Day' invasion of Europe.)

    As only by that being done, might the Ukraine be persuaded, by it's allies, (not by Russia ..), to halt it's advances into Russia.

    They are already, sequentially, 'dropping' the bridges across which Russia would re-supply / reinforce it's troops .. if it could.

    So, it's .. 'WE win, or EVERYONE loses' .. an 'END GAME' strategy from the Ukraine.

    If true, (and bolstered by positions both established, and advances ongoing), I believe that this 'endgame' WILL succeed.

    The Ukraine, with absolute certainty, WILL win.

    However, 'fingers crossed' because .. Russia, defeated, will be like a frustrated child, stamping it's foot, so .. If my assessment is even close to accuracy .. Good Luck ! .. (Mr.Swann, South-West U.K.)

  2. So.The Ruzzian Federation will be transformed into Muscovy as before and their
    old currency called "Mozzcow half and half ruble" will reappear there.

  3. Silly people that think ANY government will publically announce real-time military movements!!!
    Wake up common people, = do you have brains capable of logical thinking????

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