In Thailand wurde eine ansteckendere Mpox-Variante entdeckt, während der neue Stamm den dritten Kontinent erreicht

In Thailand wurde eine ansteckendere Mpox-Variante entdeckt, während der neue Stamm den dritten Kontinent erreicht

  1. let’s just hope this case doesn’t lead to a larger outbreak.. rn it’s crucial for all countries to ramp up their monitoring and response efforts

  2. I’m not very informed on this, can someone tell me how this spreads and how much of a danger this poses? Thank you.

  3. Oh hey, I’ve seen this before, imma go ahead and stock up on toilet paper now and beat the lines.

  4. I mean, they’ve said it can stay viable up to 30 days on surfaces in optimal conditions. Not that door knobs and plane armrests are optimal, but if someone has open sores it’s pretty easy to spread shit around.

  5. Most people will act selfishly instead of doing what is best for public health. Plan and act accordingly.

  6. In brief: The case is a 66-year-old man from a European country who arrived in Thailand last week from an unspecified African country where the disease was spreading.

  7. Reaches third? It’s prolly spread all over by now… I work in a hospital.. I imagine I’ll catch this shit a few times like I did covid.

  8. Shit I’ve been hearing more and more news about mpox lately. Feels like dejavu.. 😨

  9. Last time this happened Iol with all the crazy options at Costco , I want this feeling again, common guys, go touch those sexy monkeys

  10. You mean M.P.T.O as Pakistan is calling it? I just finished my holiday in Thailand.. people out there are leaving their lives and moving forward. Nothing in their news sources mentioned anything about Pox….

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