One more beautiful video of a huge Rostov oil depot fire.

One more beautiful video of a huge Rostov oil depot fire.

by SlavaVsu2

  1. Once can’t get enough video of this. And there are more tanks for the tankies to lose! Targeteers take notice.

  2. The good thing is. Almost all the engineers that built and maintained the oil industry in Russia. Are foreigners. And they won’t be coming back anytime soon. Slava Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

  3. What’s funny is that if that happened in America, there would be fire and first responders all over the place. In Russia they don’t even give a shit.

    It reminds me of talking with a Russian friend of mine. I was explaining to him the word “reach” and how it has a lot of different meanings in English. And I told him that there was even a company near me named “Reach” that did lifeflight services for northern California. He was shocked that there are helicopter services for severely injured people in the U.S….and he said “bro, in Russia youre lucky if a fucking ambulance even shows up if you get in a car accident in russia.”

  4. So this has been burning for 3-4 days now. How long does it usually take Russian emerg services to put out a tank farm fire?

  5. would be lovely to land a GMLRS in the middle of the ones still intact but I guess that’s still a little out of range.

  6. Talk about a bang for your buck…the best part is that it’s taking days and like a slow motion representation of what is happening to mother Ruzzia as a whole…lol

  7. When I heard that call over the radio right near the end, all I heard in my head was ‘Shit’s fucked, We’re OUT’

  8. More warming stations the great ukrainian citizens are preparing for their neighbors. Always be warm.

  9. No words to describe itā€¦ should have sent a poet. To paraphrase Jodie Foster.

  10. The reason they canā€™t put this fire out is inherent to the way oil terminal safety is handled. In this kind of emergency, once your 15-30 minutes of deluge water runs out, the primary tool the team will have to fight this fire is containment so it burns itself out.

    The spacing and construction of these tanks buys enough time to pump down the surrounding tanks and create a safe zone around the fire. There will always be spare capacity within the tank farm to take extra oil for just such a case.

    What I suspect happened here is that the drone attack damaged the interconnecting piping systems between tanks, preventing the transfer from happening. The effect is that they are unable to pump the tanks down to create isolation and they are popping one after another.

    The heat is unbelievable I suspect firefighters canā€™t approach within 200 meters or more.

  11. Dumb question- nice that is burning oil, you can’t really “put it out”, right? You just try and contain? P.S burn baby burn

  12. When they finally get it outā€”if they get it outā€”hit the remaining tanks.

  13. And they say the sequelā€™s are never as good. ā€œBeg to differā€ hopefully kerosene next šŸ¤ž

  14. Rostov…that’s got to be a colossal pain in the arse for Ruzzian fuel logistics, in terms of supplying units fighting in the Donbas.

    Beautiful to watch, too.

  15. That’s majestic can watch that all day knowing that that represents 100s of millions of dollars Russia will never see. And it will also cause regular Russian to feel the pain at the pump. Keep hitting those refineries and pipelines.

  16. That seems a bit close, considering all the tanks that aren’t on fire yet.

    Apparently they agreed.

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