Ann Coulter deletes post mocking Tim Walz’s son after onslaught of criticism

Ann Coulter deletes post mocking Tim Walz’s son after onslaught of criticism

Posted by javelin3000

  1. Ann Coulter is a dried up bitter old has-been who will do anything for a glimpse of fame until that fame makes her have to actually think about herself in a negative way.

    She should be reminded constantly of her total worthlessness every time she slithers out from under her rock.

  2. Just like a republican.

    Mouth off one day when everyone is listening for self acclamation, then when it upsets everyone, delete it and deny they said it.

  3. Absolute cowardly ghoul. Making money from scandal and being the most hateful voice in the room. What does she create other than diatribe? Ugly inside and out

  4. We will not forget, Ann.

    We will not go back.

    You fucking bully. We are sick of assholes like you making money and establishing a power base based on hatred.

  5. Ann Coulter is washed up and is trying to make herself relevant by hurling insults at a young man who is proud of his father.

  6. They don’t get it do they… MAGAts think they are going to win with hate and name calling, they are going to get destroyed and hopefully magas fall is also the Republican fall, and from the ashes a new decent party rises

  7. That’s ok Ann, just because you deleted the post we will still think you are a scumbag loser

  8. I like how fragile they all are;

    Post something ignorant and stupid, gets called out, deletes posts in attempt to hide it ever happened.

  9. If Ann Coulter had a decent bone in her body, all her other bones would devour it.

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