Putin zum Kursk-Scheitern: Nicht meine Schuld

Putin zum Kursk-Scheitern: Nicht meine Schuld


  1. Lmfao he’s definitely gaslighting himself because he knows he’s a disaster and his own “3 day” operation is a failure. Make Ukraine win the war!!!!

  2. *When good stuff happens, it’s all because of me. When bad stuff happens, it’s not my fault.*

    This is the attitude of dictators and maniacs dating back to the 1930s and earlier since time immemorial.

  3. Poor lil’P… he ain’t in charge when shit goes south… leave him alone /s

  4. > Not my fault

    If you’re learning something from Trump, you’re in big fucking trouble.

  5. Hairline receding all the way to his toes, mofo is stressed out cuz the end is near

  6. Tale as old as time: The Tsar is never at fault. Only his Boyars. At least that’s how the propaganda goes.

  7. I thought he’s supposed to be everyone’s strong daddy big boy leader.

    Imagine your country being invaded and your leader refusing to have a “we will stop at nothing” attitude about it.

    He must know it serves him better to downplay. Keep the public feeling like the war is far away and those villages being taken over deserve it somehow.

  8. When autocrats start acknowledging something went wrong, AND starts blaming others, you KNOW shits about to get bad for em. Just hang on a little bit more Ukrainians. You got this.

  9. Unsure if it is the war against Ukraine or the awful handling of the Kursk submarine disaster, which also happened while Putin was president. “Over four days, the Russian Navy repeatedly failed in its attempts to attach four different diving bells and submersibles to the escape hatch of the submarine. Its response was criticised as slow and inept. Officials misled and manipulated the public and news media, and refused help from other countries’ ships nearby. President Vladimir Putin initially continued his vacation at a seaside resort in Sochi and authorised the Russian Navy to accept British and Norwegian assistance only after five days had passed” 

    “The government of Russia and the Russian Navy were intensely criticised over the incident and their responses. A four-page summary of a 133-volume, top-secret investigation revealed “stunning breaches of discipline, shoddy, obsolete and poorly maintained equipment”, and “negligence, incompetence, and mismanagement”. It concluded that the rescue operation was unjustifiably delayed and that the Russian Navy was completely unprepared to respond to the disaster.”

  10. The buck stops with Putler. Maybe because of his failure he needs to throw himself out of a window or drink some tea

  11. Who started this war Putin? You, not Kursk, not your yesman underlings, not Ukraine or NATO, you. Your military and means of defence were skimmed, hollowed out and neglected because of the corruption you insist is necessary for Russia to function.

    Seems to me it’s functioning poorly and could be functioning far better under competent management. But competent management can never coexist with authoritarian governments run by idiots who throw everyone with less than satisfactory news out a goddamn window or have to operate and live in fear of that happening to them whenever something isn’t working out.

    It’s funny how authoritarians are always narcissists who always fill their governments with family and yesmen who will rarely tell them the truth out of fear of repercussions or punishment. Then they are surprised when it turns out their habit of killing off anyone who speaks honestly to them results in them being horribly misinformed about what they are really working with. They make fools of themselves, their countries and their allies.

  12. Reminds me of when Chump said “I’m not responsible” to lead the nation thru the Covid crisis.

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