Town urges curfew over mosquito-spread disease that kills up to 50% of people

Town urges curfew over mosquito-spread disease that kills up to 50% of people

by Zergamotte

  1. > A small town in Massachusetts is urging residents to stay indoors in the evenings after the spread of a dangerous mosquito-spread virus reached “critical risk level.”

    > The virus causes Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), which kills between 30 and 50 percent of people who are stricken—who are often children under the age of 15 and the elderly. Around half who survive are left permanently disabled, and some die within a few years due to complications. There is no treatment for EEE. So far, one person in the town—an elderly resident of Oxford—has already become seriously ill with neuroinvasive EEE.

  2. C’est pas comme si on prévenait depuis des années que le dérèglement climatique allait apporter son lot de maladies tropicales et les moustiques qui les propageraient. Qui aurait pu prédire ?

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