80 years ago, on 23 August 1944, King Michael of Romania dismisses the pro-Nazi government of Marshal Antonescu, who is later arrested. Romania switches sides from the Axis to the Allies.

80 years ago, on 23 August 1944, King Michael of Romania dismisses the pro-Nazi government of Marshal Antonescu, who is later arrested. Romania switches sides from the Axis to the Allies.


by atdoru

  1. Economically, Albert Speer regarded Romania’s defection as decisive, because it not only deprived the Axis of Romanian oil but also definitively cut off access to vital supplies of Turkish chrome.

    The loss of Romania’s oil resulted in Hitler’s first admission that the war was lost. All of these were accomplished with minimal damage to Romanian infrastructure, as the country’s core never became a battlefield. Romanian historians claimed that the coup shortened the war by as much as six months.

    The coup also marked the last instance when Romania’s actions significantly influenced the wider course of the war.

  2. Are we supposed to pretend thats its so heroic that they jumped the ship before shit hit the fan?

    Three honorific ‘Yip-Yip-Hurrah’ to the bitch of europe

  3. Unfortunately, the ‘allies’, in the form of Russia, then screwed them over by annexation into the USSR.

    History is not a single event, it’s one event after another, then another etc.

  4. That action neither helped the King personally or in any way prevented his country from being enslaved by Soviet Muscovites for 60 years.

  5. Courage of switching sides when shit hits the fan, paralleled perhaps only by the Italians. 😂

  6. And then Russia took over and subjugated them for 50 years unfortunately.

    Damn fascists AND totalitarians to Hell for all eternity.

  7. Look at this picture

    Read the whole thing

    Conclusions: some badass guy, everyone listened to him surely. Soviets’ gratitude was so big, that they incorporated Moldova into their country. I wonder if he could did this 1, 2 or maybe 3 years earlier.

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