Exact amount energy bills will rise by this winter as Ofgem price cap confirmed

Exact amount energy bills will rise by this winter as Ofgem price cap confirmed


Posted by SubstantialSnow7114

  1. “That’s why we have hit the ground running, lifting the onshore wind ban, consenting unprecedented amounts of solar power.”

    And that is why Mr Miliband is now being taken to court. There is zero chance he could have read the planning inspectors report on the three solar farm proposals in the first three days when he spent most of the time prancing up and down Downing Street.

    The Sunnica proposal had a glaring problem which is why the planning inspectorate said it shouldn’t happen. This clown has potentially left the local councils with some massive bills to pay on what is a private enterprise.

  2. I was lucky to invest in solar at exactly the right time before the pandemic. Those suckers have basically paid themselves off already. 

    I’m seeing solar go up on every third house in our village more and more people have realised the return on investment is sensible and solar safeguards you from spikes in energy prices thanks to Russian dictators.

  3. Supermarkets, utilities, transport. Were just a big money piñata that the millionaires can just whack whenever they like.

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