An unedited pic of Trump talking at the southern border

An unedited pic of Trump talking at the southern border

Posted by ObscureCocoa

  1. He looks terrible at the moment.

    Like he’s had a health episode and aged 10 years in 10 weeks.

  2. I don’t mean to sound like a photographer, but focus was completely missed. It’s on the microphone, not the turd.

  3. he looks so white someone should look into that. first he was orange now he’s white what gives

  4. For an apparent billionaire, you’d think he could buy a decent suit and not one that looks as if he’s slept in it for the last three days.

  5. Zoom in on his the top edge of his white collars they’re orange! His lower neck looks like he hasn’t showered or bathed.

  6. DonOld I know the feeling. This is exactly how I look when my hemorrhoids flare up.

  7. Trump said the border was open. He should have exited, please. No the mother fucking border is closed.

  8. He looks like my kid when he just felt the relief of shitting his diaper. Look at the eyes, they are just about to widen from that squinting push.

  9. Looking better than ever, really. Totally pumped for four more years and not about to burst into anathematic flames from being in direct sunlight.

  10. donOLD actually said outloud looking at a camera recording that he is better looking that Kamala Harris and Elvis.

  11. This is the guy. The guy that divided the country the most since the Civil War.

    A bankrupted has-been that is a never-was.

    Congratulations, reality TV and the republican party that co-opted the biggest buffoon possible–y’all willfully ripped out your own spines to appease this con man two bit clown.

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