[Sam McBride] Somewhat surprisingly, Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has managed to persuade the Executive to back him in banning puberty blockers in Northern Ireland – and the law has been made. Sinn Féin & Alliance had previously opposed a ban. Law says ban ends 26 Nov.

[Sam McBride] Somewhat surprisingly, Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has managed to persuade the Executive to back him in banning puberty blockers in Northern Ireland – and the law has been made. Sinn Féin & Alliance had previously opposed a ban. Law says ban ends 26 Nov.

by Diomas

  1. Trans activists, you will go on my first whistle.

    Anti trans activists, you will go on my second whistle.

    3… 2… 1…

  2. Well, now that the executive has got on top of the many massive issues affecting NI with a comprehensive programme for government, dealing crippling waiting lists and delays in the NHS, our decaying infrastructure, overstretched policing, mass court back logs, etc they presumably have the time to move onto these other big important items.

    Cause if they haven’t got those dealt with, it really would seem like a monumental waste of time for them to be dealing with whether a handful of people can be prescribed a particular medication by their doctor.

  3. The executive is is recess. The first and dep first minister signed this off.

    I expected this of ELP but MON has some ‘splaining to do as it’s not the SF party line.

  4. Live and let live.

    There’s definitely more important things in life to get worked up about.

  5. puberty blockers aren’t permanent and countless studies have proven their effectiveness btw

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