Taliban verbieten den Klang von Frauenstimmen, die in der Öffentlichkeit singen oder lesen

Taliban verbieten den Klang von Frauenstimmen, die in der Öffentlichkeit singen oder lesen


  1. Why isn’t the world sanctioning these Bronze Age, fuckwads out of existence? Religon is poison and needs to be fought.

  2. And we’d really prefer you also stop all that breathing you’re doing. In, out, in, out. Ugh!

  3. Ah yes, women being happy, wouldn’t want to destroy society with that now would we?

  4. I’m not saying that they aren’t but there are definitely a lot of people in Afghhanistan who would disagree with the Taliban on this point.

  5. At what point are they just really gay? It’s getting insanely sus at this point. They only want to hear men singing lmao

  6. Why don’t they just ship all their womans somewhere else? I mean, they hate them anyway. Problem solved.

  7. At this point they should just ban women out of their country and fuck each other in the ass full time.

  8. Times like this I wish it was easy to just move all Afghanistan women out of the country and leave the Taliban to their full-male society.

  9. Evacuate the women, put their burqas on sheep… “they’ll never know the difference”

  10. If you ever wanted to travel back in time to experience what life was like for women thousands of years ago, you don’t need a time machine. Just go to Afghanistan.

  11. Can we just send drone swarm la with speakers that repeat top pop songs by women?

  12. If that’s the kind of God who I’m supposed to believe in then point me in the direction of Satan, I’d rather be a soldier of the dark than never hear a woman’s voice sing again

  13. Do y’all ever just walk down the street and hear a woman’s voice and get so aggressively horny you kill the first person you see?

  14. What a bunch of mouth breathing fucking backwards ass losers.

    The sooner planet earth is done with these people the better.

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