Average annual energy bill to rise by 9.5% to £1,717 in Great Britain from October

Average annual energy bill to rise by 9.5% to £1,717 in Great Britain from October


by sjw_7

  1. So glad I invested in solar right before the pandemic when energy prices began going bonkers. They’ve basically already paid themselves off.

  2. Everyone who’s on a standard variable deal should get themselves onto uSwitch (or another comparison site), there are fixed and variable deals that will be cheaper than the standard variable.

  3. Everyday you go to work, you create the system that fucks you. 🎉 🎉.

    They’ll turn every screw just as far as we allow.

  4. The UK is the 4th most expensive country to live in the world. And what do we get for it? Shit weather, shit food, poor communications, poor health care (non existent dental) and no links anymore with the EU and pretty much no access to un touched Nature. I’m researching how to get out.

  5. Fan-fucking-tastic.

    Country is a fucking joke at this point. Everything is designed to keep you poor, cold and miserable.

  6. Would this be different if the UK had more power stations open / access to its oil / gas supplies off shore as now it’s all nope due to net zero rules.

  7. Secondly….France healthcare and utilities absolutely wipes the floor with UK. Do you want me to go on? Believe me…I really can and in-depth

  8. How is this still allowed to be a thing?

    Energy and oil company profits soaring

    Consumer Costs in Europe miles below ours

    Exactly the same with insurance. We’re all being taken for Complete mugs.

  9. How are people surviving? Really how the fuck? Wages stagnated and price of every fucking thing increased and still increasing 10 fold? How the fuck are people surviving?!!!!

  10. This is going to upset some people but:

    I’m so glad the house I got has a log burner…

    Our housing stock is old and poorly maintained. I live in your typical 1920s house, the copy and paste kind. Suspended floors, air bricks, open fireplace in EVERY ROOM.

    The house by design needs air flow so taping up air bricks etc just causes the house to rot.

    I decided to use the has as it was intended but I swapped the janky old log burner for a modern one which is more effective.

    The natural convection of the fireplace keeps air flow and has drastically cut my bills.

    Last year my total gas electricty bill was £600 and I’m on a standard tarif. Quite literally didn’t use the heating.

    Every summer I put out a post on Facebook asking if anyone has elderly relatives or strapped for cash but needs storm damaged trees removed. I do it for free, it’s a win win.

    This summer I helped a school that had a large dead standing tree that became a health and safety issue. It will probably last me two winters.

    This year I will be burning wood from where I assisted a church remove a similar storm damaged tree.

    It’s painful for me to say because I’ve always tried to be environmentally conscious. But when the difference between my and my neighbours bill last year is over two grande, I’m not rich.

    When I was viewing homes an easy 50% in the same age bracket had damp and condensation issues caused by boarded up fireplaces and blocked air bricks etc. £300k for a house that is quite literally rotting from the inside out.

  11. People are deluded that they think that the government wants this to happen, this is all because of poor investment and miss management. Nobody wants to accept macro issues like this take multiple years and terms to fix. Assuming the government has a decent plan to do anything.

    Or you end up with several terms of non cohesive decisions that ultimately leave your worse than before.
    Hopefully with labour making the difficult decisions now we will be better off in 4 years time. Or most likely everything will still be shit

  12. The cost of energy impacts everything. This is the true rate of inflation right here.

  13. Here we go again. Somebody’s doner decided they want the 130 metre mega yacht because the 90 metre was just so cramped, so up the cap goes.

  14. I’m genuinely hoping on never paying my electric bill due to a faulty meter that octopus are taking forever to fix

    It’s been nearly 18 months now since octopus admitted my meter is fault and isn’t properly recording/charging me.

    I’ve got emails from them admitting this + saying it’ll get fixed. It still hasn’t.

    I’m paying £80 a month as a set fee. If I get a huge bill from them once my meter’s fixed my plan is to refuse to pay since my faulty meter meant I couldn’t properly gauge and budget for my use, resulting in an unfair large bill that could have been avoided had they fixed my meter within a sensible time frame.

    Am I cooked

  15. This maybe verging on r/collapse territory but there is an increasing chance that AMOC slowdown leads to full on circulation collapse in the next 20 years. We have a very short window to replace the UK’s shitty housing stock with something that can cope with a more extreme winter. If we don’t these energy bills will look incredibly cheap.

  16. ‘Interesting’ – with oil and gas, when the cost supply/demand improves – we never seem to get the benefit of it reducing back to where it was. Just remains and increases.

  17. I’ve been overpaying the first part of the year, to the point that when the cap lowered they really cut my bill, it’ll be fun to see them ramp it all the way back up in oct.

  18. Ah, just in time for rising inflation, falling growth and another cost of living crisis. Nevermind though, Labour will look after its union mates like the train drivers. Fuck the rest of us.

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