This day, 85 years ago on 23 August 1939, Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed. The pact had a secret protocol to divide Eastern Europe between Nazi Germany and Soviet spheres of influence. Hitler invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Two weeks later, on 17 September1939, Stalin invaded Poland.

This day, 85 years ago on 23 August 1939, Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed. The pact had a secret protocol to divide Eastern Europe between Nazi Germany and Soviet spheres of influence. Hitler invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Two weeks later, on 17 September1939, Stalin invaded Poland.

by kuttoos_enn_vilicho

  1. What’s interesting is that Stalinists still deny the existence of this pact. Otherwise, technically Stalin was an ally of Hitler until 1941

  2. NATO is doing the same thing in the last decades. When the Soviet Union was disolving, Clinton promised Yeltsin that NATO will not seek expansion to baltic states because of Ekaterineburg. We all know how that went

  3. This is an event the knowledge of has to be spread as much as possible. The fact that the USSR started WW2 hand in hand with Germany. There’s nothing Russia is trying to hide from public eye more, as it literally destroys decades of their historical lies.

  4. They actually don’t teach about it in post soviet
    schools. They heavily focus on other parts of the war and that the Germany betrayed the soviets and attacked cowardly. Nothing more as the pact does not exist.

  5. After this pact i remember the picture where Stalin and Hitler got married, lol

  6. Stalin looks like he’s laughing a joke he doesn’t understand, and is only laughing because the others are.

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