Deutschland Autizm

Deutschland Autizm

by miragen125

  1. You have to just laugh at the Germans. What sort of braindead country would commit such an act of self sabotage to appeal to a small but vocal minority

  2. I don’t like the conclusion of this study ergo it is not trustworthy and flawed. Possibly ordered by Putin himself

    Signed: some liberal arts guy

  3. *Germans incoming parotting Putin propaganda why their nuclear policy is actually a good thing*

  4. Im pretty sure germany will laught they`re ass off in a few years with ass cheap energy costs.

    We will see.

  5. We have a saying in German. Don’t trust “la “study” you didn’t make up yourself

  6. I still want to know where everybody is getting rid of their radioactive waste.

    Whilst I think that decision, right after the Fukushima catastrophe, was a bit harsh, I still think it wasn’t dumb.

    In this rare case politics did exactly what most of the population wanted. At the time I thought they would reverse our a few years later and I have to admit I still eine why that never happened.

    So, what does your country do with the nuclear waste?

  7. But without Nuclear Power, there will be climate change. And if the climate changes, there will be no Russian winter anymore!

  8. Why does it feel like Sweden is like Germany, in that we go all in on projects like “refugees welcome” and getting rid of nuclear power.

    But unlike them we dont commit, and instead everybody collectively change autistic opinion to something else, sometimes the opposite. After decades of dismantling it (had a vote about it in 1980), now we are suddenly going to spend huge amounts of money on building new nuclear energy instead.

    What was taboo the day before, is often consensus today.

  9. But there was a nuclear accident on the other side on the planet, in an earthquake prone area, that has made it ill advised to permanently live in parts of a city, and might have even lead to someone’s death.

  10. Average nuclear fanboy ☝️ trusts the dumbest shit sources (he also only reads the headlines ofc) as long as it say „nuclear good“. We‘ll see who laughs last when we run 100% on dirt cheap renewables. Also btw thanks France for massively subsidizing nuclear with your taxes and exporting it to us for cheap thanks to EU one price laws

  11. Remember when France had to import energy from Germany in the Summer of 2022 cause it was too hot and the rivers didnt have enough water to provide for cooling the reactors? Pepperridge Farm remembers.

    And no way we are gonna have heat and drought waves in the future.. right? Right??

  12. And had we started putting optical fibres into the ground instead of copper cables, decades ago, we would have better and more reliable internet speeds.

    Had we taken care about our railways, DB wouldn’t be such a joke.

    Had we invested more for the past decades instead of worshipping “fiscal (ir)resoponsibility” maybe our infrastructure wouldn’t be crumbling away. Thing is, you can’t just do a 180° *now* and expect to recover from 30 years or so of neglect in an instant.

    Or as we say “Hätte hätte Fahrradkette”

  13. The pro nuclear desinformation campaign on reddit is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Most germans are just chilling happy with that decision, meanwhile people from completely different parts of the world getting so worked up over it, making up fake studies and stuff. Just insane lmao.

  14. Reminds me of how bad the LEZ situation has become in the whole of catalonia, all this money spent on something that could be done better without fucking over poor people.

  15. But then no one really would have taken the money and the contracts right? Think on those poor people lobbying

  16. Yippee copy paste time:

    I wonder how long this article will be flung around by he “Trust science” crowd, which either didnt read the ‘study’ or didnt understand it.

    Just to name a few points pointed out when this article was posted on the science sub ([they laughed their asses of](

    * Its more of a research article than a study, by one author notorious for writing outside his field and expertise (he is specialised in ship motors)
    * The author uses specific terms like energy and electricity interchangable, which is not very scientific.
    * The author claims multiple specific things (like cost overruns) without explaining or backing them up.
    * The author assumes not only that Germany does not abandon nuclear energy, but go full into it, Germany would start building nuclear plants in 2002 until today. Just to note the last nuclear reactor started construction in 1983 and was not even finished.
    * The author neglects things like planning and permission granting phases (thats overall popular)
    * The author assumes Germany would not decomission old reactors (end of lifetime what is that?)
    * The author doesnt include the cost of decomissioned plant, because if you dont power them down you dont need to pay.

    So overall some very interesting ideas.

  17. No, they would have found a way to not have the benefit.
    (Doesn’t Germany import radioactive garbage to store it in insecure saltmines?)

  18. But think of all the people who died in Fukushima 😢
    And it is so expensive to build them (they were already built)

  19. I like how if you compare modern Germany to nazi Germany, Germans don’t get even half as defensive as if you say that shutting nuclear reactors in the mid of an energy crisis counts as shooting yourself in the foot

  20. 73%? Not even the whole electricity sector makes up that much of our emissions

  21. Ad a Frenchie, I’m very proud of our nuclear energy, and yes, it’s fun to laugh at Hans, but in all honesty, back in the early 2000s, the public in Germany was very much against nuclear, so I don’t know if saying “oh the stupid German government shot itself in the leg” is really that smart. In retrospect, yes. In practice, this is what democracy is- the people get to choose, and they sometimes choose wrong.

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