US allows Ukraine to strike Kursk region, but only strategic targets

US allows Ukraine to strike Kursk region, but only strategic targets

by SoftwareExact9359

  1. Just in time to rock those cunts coming from Crimea….allegedly. 56 Airborne Cock Jockeys or some shit.

  2. Has Ukraine ever purposely bombed civilian infrastructure? Seems like such a goofy qualifier.

  3. This is TOTAL BULLSHIT!
    Stop making big public statements that mean NOTHING!
    DO what needs to be DONE!
    Lift weapons restrictions on Ukraine!

  4. Just leave out a word or two and allow Ukraine to retaliate against any strategic target or location that is the immediate source of attacks on Ukraine. Then let Russia fuck around and find out.

  5. We need to send kursk people to kremlin and create people’s kursk Republic there and we are good to go on striking kremlin gremlins

  6. It’s about time! So many restrictions how to use support arms. Let the Ukrainians use them anyway they need to defend Ukraine & world peace. Slava Ukraini.

  7. I mean… What other non-strategic targets have Ukraine stricken in the past? What kind of naive policy maker is advising Biden?

  8. Yo.. what is considered strategic, though? ’cause Ukrainians are really creative and that gets my pee ppe kinda hard

  9. What is this dogshit title? It has nothing to do with the article, which has 0 new information and says only one thing about kursk, which is that kursk is in the region which the US previously allowed ukraine to target in cross border defense

  10. Meanwhile Russia makes strategic gains in the east while the US continues to hamstring Ukraine. If the shoe was on the other foot Americans would be in an uproar. what a shame.

  11. America has no authority to tell the Ukrainians what they can and cannot do with the weapons they procured from them. It’s their war and once those weapons are in Ukrainian hands they go wherever the Ukrainian people deems necessary. It’s wild to me how we (my country, the USA) thinks it can just tell a country that’s being invaded how to take care of it’s own business. I’m pretty sure Zelensky & Co. probably know more about where the missiles need to go than we do.

  12. I don’t understand why they need permission?? Is it because they will primarily be using US weapons/ordnance?

  13. The US should let Ukraine strike targets anywhere in Russia as long as they are strategic targets. Munitions and equipment factories, military bases, anything and everything that enabled Russia to wage this unjustified and immoral war.

  14. Restricitons need to go. Imagine if on June 5, 1944, USA decided to pull out of D-Day because they found out it was an invasion of France, not Germany. Biden and his staff need to limit their role in this war to just sending stuff to Ukraine. They should not be micromanaging troops on the gound. They do not have the judgement or military expertise to make targetting decisions on Ukraine’s behalf.

  15. Are we ever gonna stop these bullshit limitations and just let them use the weapons they received on any military and industrial target?

    It’s pretty clear at this point that Russia is no position to fuck around and find out what happens if they use nukes.

    I’m sure that dabbling with that idea would get Putin overthrown faster than he could reach for his panic button.

  16. Allows Ukraine to strike Kursk? Get off your fucking soapbox.
    This isn’t about America.

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