Is it common to have a washbasin in the bedroom like a prison cell?

Is it common to have a washbasin in the bedroom like a prison cell?

by Nullands

  1. A couple rooms in my Studentenwohnheim had them. That was considered a good thing. Not sure why that means it’s like a prison cell.

  2. In my old wg 2 out of 3 rooms had an own washbasin. It made the morning routine a lot easier.

  3. It’s usually the case when you share a bathroom and a kitchen. So for all non-toilet or shower things you can use you room.

  4. No. Only time I saw this was in a Studentenwohnheim (which made sense, as it didn’t force the whole floor to go to the shared bathroom just to use the sink).

  5. Occasionally: it depends on the type of accommodation it is. If you have a shared bathroom, having a washbasin in each room means you can at least brush your teeth, shave, and even have a quick wash without blocking the bathroom for other residents.

  6. It’s not very common, but it can happen in places that are meant for shared living.

  7. Not common but also not unheard of. Especially some older houses used to have sinks in multiple rooms.

  8. In older building it’s quite normal. I used to live in a Wg in an old house with four bedrooms. Every bedroom had a basin.

  9. Not realy common, but in certain places like youth”rehab” or so you find this sometimes.
    Or if it was a bathroom and nobody could be asked to work with the piping, that happens too.
    You look under your bed and carpet and find a droppipe wirh a plug sometimes.

  10. I lived in a Studentenwohnheim in Karlsruhe that had this. It was actually very convenient when you share bathrooms with 12 people and just need to brush your teeth or quickly wash your face

  11. I’ve seen single room flats where kitchen and bedreem were the same room but this is new to me

  12. No, dorm rooms or low budget hotels have this. Think positive, it’s free pissoir if you’re chaotic good.

  13. For rooms in a hotel or pension it’s not unheard of, especially when there is a shared bathroom. This way you can brush your teeth and get ready without using the communal bathroom.

    Also, older apartment homes used to only have a shared toilet in the hallways („auf halber Treppe“ – literally a small room beneath the stairwell, nowerdays used as a storage space)

    So everything that did not require a toilet could be done in your apartment without having to get down half the stairs

  14. The insane luxury of having a washing basin in your bedroom was (and still is) popular in buildings with shared bathrooms. Hotels, pensions, dorms but also single family houses had (and still have) this. In some cases, these sinks were simply kept when the rooms were upgraded with individual bathrooms (or, in the case of family housing, more bathrooms were added).

    I kinda liked the one in my bedroom. Until I found out that the 1930s lead pipes hadn’t been upgraded to copper like everywhere else in the building. I quickly decided to say goodbye; with three bedrooms and a third bathroom that had been added in the 1990s, I thought that I had enough luxury.

    And I didn’t need more insanity, so thanks, but no thanks to leaded water.

  15. My sister had one in her bedroom in boarding school, and my friend had one in her university dorm where she shared a bathroom with like a dozen other people, I don’t think I’ve seen one in a different context.

  16. Was it a former military base? NCO and officers accommodation tend to have wash basins in their rooms.

  17. Yes, i remember those from houses build in the 60ties, 70ties. Especially “Guest Rooms” had an extra washbasin, so that guests could “refresh” without having to use the bathroom (unlike in the US, houses in Germany often have only one bathroom and maybe a second toilet, but not a bathroom in every sleeping room.

  18. I had a tiny apartment in Switzerland, 20 sqm or less, where the bathroom sink was in the living room.

    The bathroom has a shower and the toilet, which then led (without a door) to a narrow kitchen (which had a sink) and on to the only room in the apartment which acted as a bedroom and office and happened to have the bathroom sink as well. It was odd, no doubt, but the novelty passes quickly.

  19. Haha I had this in my student dorm once. It’s actually nice.I had to share the shower area with 10 others so it was good for all other purposes. But that place was a horrible experience for me in general.

  20. looks like a room that used to be a bathroom being sold as a bed room now for some extra money

  21. Are you in a dorm or a budget hotel, or maybe a studio appartment? Because the context is important.

  22. My bedroom has a washbasin. I live in the UK in a Victorian era house. I think it was common back then. Presumably so you could brush your teeth before getting into bed and then piss in it when you wake up in the middle of the night

  23. Not *common* but it happens, especially if you live in an older building or maybe one that was used for a different purpose before, like maybe a doctor’s office.

  24. It does happen, especially in older houses. My brother’s house has only one bathroom downstairs and upstairs there’s a wash basin in the bedroom. Handy for watering plants, brushing your teeth etc.

    A lot of people removed them during renovations though. So it’s not as common anymore.

  25. In some old houses. My grandma has a smaller room where my mom grew up and there was sink until 5 years ago. Chilling in the room

  26. We rented a Ferienwohnung in Austria where there was a washbasin in every bedroom. It was strange but it seemed that it was for brushing your teeth and basic face cleanup before going to bed.

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