We finally got our own neo Nazis

Justin Barrett a.k.a Litler (for obvious reasons) just had a livestream with this being a screenshot of it. I’ve always felt left out because we didn’t have any neo Nazis while all you guys had them /s. He’s also been known to wear an SS style overcoat at anti-immigrant rallies.

by RickarySanchez

  1. Damn why couldn’t these people have been around during the time we were actually doing it? Coming out of the woodwork 80 years later, when the real fighting is already over pathetic and Italy pilled.

  2. An important milestone in the process of becoming a developed country. Proud of you, potato Barry

  3. Isn’t one of your major political party riddled with corruption, racists and fascists ?

  4. Aaaaand another Nordic rune or knot pattern that you are no longer allowed to use becouse of fucksticks

  5. Anti immigration rallies?!

    Irish people should pay to the foreigners to go there!
    Who goes there voluntarily

  6. Hoo hoo! Now that’s an image. Congratulations, fellow potato nation. Knew you had it in you!

  7. One wonders if these people would be there if the goverment was for the people, let’s say.

  8. The art of creating an icon that kinda ressembles the swastika and but also looks different enough to not be called a swastika.

  9. How deluded do you have to be to think people will react positively to this? The vast majority of people who don’t want refugees and immigrants coming into the country have legitimate reasons stemming from the shit show that is our government and housing market.. Very few of them are going to relate to imagery that ties their views to Nazism

  10. What surprises me most is that the government doesn’t immediately shut down group’s like these. There are multiple times where I have seen Maltese people with swastikas or spouting nazi rhetoric. All of these people seemingly forgetting the the nazis tried to bomb us out of existence during world war 2

  11. Why do fascist assholes always use the best iconography and fucking RUIN it for everyone.

    One of the lesser reasons why they’re brain dead worms but an important one.

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