Another Day, Another Anti ULEZ Terrorist

Why are they allowed to get away with this?

by sabdotzed

  1. They aren’t allowed to get away with it as such. But when did you last see a policeman walking the beat?

  2. Can’t they hide or better disguise the Ulez cameras? Only the signs need to be visible

  3. “Vandal”, maybe. But “terrorist”? Who has been terrorised or terrified, exactly?

  4. Some of London’s absolute top muppets. Costing the taxpayer a fortune in replacement cameras, and jeopardising efforts to make the air not-poisonous.

  5. I’m extremely interested to see independent air quality checks for the year before and the year after since ulez came in.

    Not one of khans paid for studies either.

    You know what the difference will be? Negligible.

  6. Amazing how all these lower class people can afford all this expensive equipment!

    Just goes to show all these anti ULEZ folks are entitled tradies, who are outraged by having to update their work van so have resorted to this.

  7. Find this twat, make him put install the replacement and pay for his damage. Then give him a full sentence.

    These people are costing society money, time, health, and morale. They need to experience consequences.

  8. Only people born after a terrorist event with no real experience of an attack would call these people terrorists

  9. I saw this on Facebook, idiot who posted it had a Facebook page full of conspiracy stuff , 5G , Covid denial , vaccines are full of wizard poison etc

  10. The guys that do this have their own social media where they post what they are up to [](

    You don’t have to scroll very far to find islamophobia, transphobia and support for our recent racist mob violence.

    this is a organised far right political project

  11. Referring to these pricks by the cool but irrelevant and entirely undeserving name that they gave themselves can’t be helping. Need to roll it back and force a rename, Isis -> Daesh style.

  12. Tell me you watched Blade Runner and have no media literacy, without telling me you watched Blade Runner and have no media literacy.

    EDIT: Downvote me all you want, Blade Runners were the bad guys. They were future slave catchers.

  13. The air on the Underground is far far worse for our health and needs sorting. Put the money there and get rid of ULEZ.

  14. Can’t understand why this isn’t treated as terrorism. A weird, pro-pollution kind of terrorism, but still.

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