Lancashire Man Mauled to Death by His Own XL Bully Dog

Lancashire Man Mauled to Death by His Own XL Bully Dog

by MastodonOk8087

  1. I wonder if he ever said; “ThErE’s No SuCh ThInG aS bAd DoGs, JuSt BaD oWnErS!” Seems to be a spate of “badly owned” XL Bullies mauling their terrible owners lately. Almost like there’s a reason they’re a banned breed or something!

  2. I know it may seem harsh but I genuinely don’t care when one of these fucking morons or their family members gets killed or maimed by these shit creatures.

    How much do you need in the way of warnings? It’s the easiest thing in the world to just not buy or own one of these shit breeds. Why would you subject yourself or the people around you to the risk.

    Well we know why, because these troglodytes think having it makes them cool and tough and probably enjoy the fact that people are constantly eyeing the dog when he walks it.

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