depot in Proletarsk Russia explodes after being attacked again

depot in Proletarsk Russia explodes after being attacked again

by macktruck6666

  1. I don`t think it was attacked again, but i read something about some tanks (that were unaffected before) had kerosine in them? Maybe the fire finally reached those tanks now.

    I mean, to attack it again is a waste of drones, it is already going and if they can`t put it out after 5 days, it is not happening.

  2. A nice illustration of the power and range of radiant heat and why they can’t get close enough to even start fighting it.

  3. Another attack? Dang that’s got to be the third oil depot thst Ukraine attacked this month

  4. “Do you feel the same?
    Am I only dreaming?
    Is this burning an eternal flame?”

  5. A bit off topic: I get the feeling that in every video I see, the russians are constantly swearing.

    Is this a situational thing or is swearing a usual and normal thing over there?

  6. The fuckers should enjoy some caramelised marshmallows while they’re still able to move, before Putin’s war gets them killed too.

  7. There will be free crispy Russian kabob for all the villagers, once the fire is out.

  8. *to the tune of ‘Have yourself a Merry Little Xmas’*

    ♫ Orc fucks roasting in an oil fire…. ♫

  9. I’m sorry I just can’t see anything past all the smoke putler tries to blow up the world’s ass. Is there a fire or something?

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