Thousands of Westerners Leave NATO for Putin’s Russia, Claims Foreign Ministry

Thousands of Westerners Leave NATO for Putin’s Russia, Claims Foreign Ministry

by BackgroundPossible18

  1. Good, and they should give up their citizenship so that they can’t be tempted to go back to the satanist West. All temptations should be avoided to live the Russian life. 

  2. Is ‘thousands’ meant to be a lot?

    Thousands of people leave Indonesia for Australia each year (two countries chosen pretty arbitrarily).

  3. The smart ones come, and the stupid ones go to Russia. Where can I donate for airline tickets?

  4. Well the West is big, something like a billion people, so there’s got to be a few thousand idiots.

  5. Thank god. We’ll be losing all the knuckle draggers . This can only improve the gene pool!

  6. I can’t even begin to comprehend how moronic you have to be to move to Russia. Oh wait weren’t there two stories recently about a peadophile and some guy owing loads of money who both fled to Russia? I’m imagining “criminals fleeing to” would be the appropriate terminology to use here

  7. Oh excellent. I wonder if they all know they will all be heading into the “meat grinder”, just like all the other people who chose to move to Russia over the past few years. Silly people. They always get this weird look of surprise, when they discover they need to serve in the military first.

  8. Classic win-win.

    Russia gets free cannon fodder and the human gene pool is cleansed from these idiots. Especially the western gene pool.

  9. Moving to a nation currently at war where the said nation forces it’s citizens into a meat grinder.

  10. Hello comrade. I have fled the decadent west for a life of traditional values.

    *Good. Take this bolt action rifle and go charge that trench. By the way, what’s the pin to your internet banking?*

  11. Next the USA, UK, and Canada are going to have to launch a special military operation to protect Anglophone minorities in Russia.

  12. That would be a handful of the Russians that moved West over the last couple of decades

  13. 1 I don’t think so

    2 Putin and all modern dictators in general are well aware of this « Self ethnic cleansing ». Push your illiberal agenda hard enough and all local opposing factions will just decide to make efforts to emigrate into more liberal countries in the West.
    Without having to do much, you end up with supporters only. Only need to let people leave, even give foreign scholarships to the most potentially disruptive ones. Youll never be bothered by them again. You actually don’t need to exert much violence at home anymore.

    Only counter move would be immigration restrictions in the West, otherwise coming here will always be better than to fight at home…

  14. Good let the people who have only hate to their hearts go to their true country, the orcland

  15. Good. Dosvidanya. Carry some of Alex Jones’ baggage or the poor guy will have the big one.

  16. This is probably one of the few times I’m hoping they’re telling the truth.. sounds like a win-win?

  17. In New Zealand we often see brain-drain, a lot of kiwis go overseas (mainly to Australia) seeking better pay and skill development.

    New Zealanders often joke that this “Raises the IQ of both countries”.

    This is amusingly relevant.

  18. Homophobes run to Russia, get conscripted and then promptly buttfucked when they inevitably step out of line. Oops.

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