PM Modi arrives in Kyiv

PM Modi arrives in Kyiv

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. Say what you will against India (you’re probably right) but this is an important diplomatic sign. Putin will hate it.

  2. It will be interesting to see if something comes of this, not necessarily a fan of Modi but he didn’t seem convinced when he met Putin. Indian support of Ukraine would go a long way.

  3. Modi pushed his man unit a little too close for comfort for me. My gadar went off.

  4. So much respect for Zelensky, he has to deal with a lot of different political players. But he always keeps his calm and does whats best for Ukraine

  5. I’m not a massive expert on India so take this with a grain of salt but it seems like India does exactly and only what is good for India domestically on the international stage. Like that is true of all countries of course but India seems to be particularly good at it.

  6. Ok. What does India have to offer Ukraine other than cheap unskilled man power? India is not a manufacturing hub, weapons exporter or a financial power house. There is very little India can bring to the table anyways.

    People will say it can stop buying Russian oil but i doubt that’s going to happen. If Russian oil and gas is taken completely off there market then there will be a 10% supply deficit in the market and oil being an inelastic commodity, the prices of oil and gas will shoot up to unimaginable levels which can lead to return of inflation and collapse of several governments worldwide.

  7. I doubt anything much will happen from this because of how reliant India is on Russian trade, the Modi government won’t even fight for Indian nationals that have been forced to join the Russian army to be sent home. But it’s still good to see that they’re at least discussing the situation and if Ukraine can offer India a deal that would benefit them, they wouldn’t have a problem accepting since India is traditionally a fairly neutral nation in that it mainly focuses on what’s good for India and will cooperate with anyone for that.

  8. How does it feel shaking hands and hugs with Putin, huh, Modi? I hate this Indian scum. He enables those blood-thirsty dictators like Putin.

  9. Anyone else feel sick looking at these photos considering Modi was all hugs with Putin only recently?

  10. Modi is a wolf in sheep’s costume. He is also a rabidly anti-Muslim racist.
    Zelenskyy will need to be cautious with anything he proposes.

  11. ‘Hi Modi , These are the remains of the Children’s cancer Hospital thats was bombed by Russia….with Children in it. Actions of the devil by the Russian’s isnt it. Are you still a fan of Putin?”

  12. Modi plays well. Unlike Xi he shows that he is a normal human (even if it is just a demonstration).

  13. “Listen to me Volodymyr. To beat the imperialists, we had to first confront them with non-violence and then by violence. You didn’t follow the steps right, so now is a good time to give up, Putin thinks so too.”

  14. Modi can choose not to visit Ukraine but clearly he wants something from Ukraine. He wants to be on the good side of US to fight against the US-Pakistan relationship.

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